Create Telegram Bot
Find BotFather and issue command /newbot Provide bot name Provide bot username - unique and ends with _bot
Once bot is created, you will get a message with token access key in it. Store the token access key.
Prepare Telegram Channel
Create new telegram channel Add the bot @username_to_id_bot to it as admin and issue /start to find chat id Store the chat id and dismiss @username_to_id_bot from channel Find the bot created in previous step using bot username and add it to channel as admin
Setup replit Set environment variables - TOKEN and CHANNEL which are acquired from previous steps. Run the REPL
tg_bot = Bot(token=os.environ['TOKEN'])
channel = os.environ['CHANNEL']
Test with postman
Use the URL on repl and create web-hook post request URL by adding /webhook to it. Create post request on postman and send it. You can see that messages sent via postman appearing in your telegram channel. append ?jsonRequest=true if you are using json output from alerts.
Test out POST command using baseurl
To display screenshot of invite only scripts login is required.
Set alerts from tradingview to web-hook
Use web-hook option and enter the webhook tested from postman in the web-hook URL