OFX Lexer and Parser
repositories {
maven {
url "https://dl.bintray.com/jonhkr/maven"
dependencies {
compile 'com.ebanx:ofx-parser:1.0.0-RELEASE'
The lexer ca be used to build custom parsers, the following is an example of how it works:
String data = "<TAG1>Content</TAG1><TAG2>Content";
OfxLexer lexer = new OfxLexerImpl(new ByteArrayInputStream(data.getBytes()));
Token token;
while ((token = lexer.nextToken()) != null) {
// do something...
The statement parser can be used to parse the transactions of a statement from an OFX file.
This is an example of usage:
String data = "<STMTTRN>\n" +
"\t <TRNTYPE>XFER \n" +
"\t <DTPOSTED>20171101 \n" +
"\t <TRNAMT>68.25 \n" +
"\t <FITID>2017110106825 \n" +
"\t <CHECKNUM>00042051 \n" +
"\t </STMTTRN>\n" +
"\t <STMTTRN>\n" +
"\t <TRNTYPE>XFER \n" +
"\t <DTPOSTED>20171109 \n" +
"\t <TRNAMT>3.39 \n" +
"\t <FITID>201711090339 \n" +
"\t <CHECKNUM>00031668 \n" +
"\t </STMTTRN>";
Statement statement = StatementParser.parseStatement(new ByteArrayInputStream(data.getBytes()));
statement.getTransactions().forEach(txn -> {
// do something