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insight 0.19.2

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@strengejacke strengejacke released this 23 May 16:21
· 377 commits to main since this release

Breaking changes

  • The minimum needed R version has been bumped to 3.6.

  • download_model() no longer errors when a model object could not be downloaded,
    but instead returns NULL. This prevents test failures, and allows to skip
    tests when the return value of download_model() is NULL.


  • Improved support for mclogit models (package mclogit) and mipo objects
    (package mice) for models with ordinal or categorical response.

New supported models

  • phylolm and phyloglm (package phylolm), nestedLogit (package nestedLogit).

Bug fixes

  • Fixed issue in get_variance() for glmmTMB models with rank deficient

  • Fixed issues in get_weights() for glm models without weights and na.action
    not set to default in the model call.

  • clean_names() now also removes the relevel() pattern.

  • Fixed issue in model_info() for models of class gamlss.

  • Fixed problems preventing get_data() from locating data defined in
    non-global environments.

  • Fixed issue in get_predicted() for variables of class numeric matrix created
    by scale(), which were correctly handled only when get_data() failed to
    find the data in the appropriate environment.

  • Fixed issue in model_info() for gee models from binomial families.