Mini-projects for the residential training. As part of the EANBiT Residential training 2019, you will collaboratively work on mini-projects in groups of four.
- Microbiome of two predominant seagrass species of the Kenyan coast, Enhalus acoroides and Thalassodendron ciliatum
- Microbiome metagenomics analysis of Kilifi creek mangrove sediments
- Reproduce genomic analysis
- Variant Calling Workflow Pipeline
- A project on whole-genome assembly, annotation and phylogenetic analysis
- Work collaboratively on the project. In your report, you need to state the role played by each group member.
- Assign tasks to group members using GitHub issues and learn from each other. Every member of the group must be knowledgeable of the work of the whole group.
- Comment your scripts in a nice and informative way. Your scripts, programs, workflows, etc, will be reviewed as a critical part of the project assessment.
- Your writeup should be complete with visualizations.
- Collaborate via Git & GitHub, making use of the Git Workflow.