The tutorial that this data belongs to can be found here (
This is a directory structure to develop a Snakemake workflow. It contains all the data (see below)that is needed. A Snakemake workflow is based on a "Snakefile" that contains rules on how to process certain types of data. The aim of the tutorial is to develop a "Snakefile" to analyse the samples in the fastq directory.
There are some examples of how a Snakefile can be developed in the "examples" directory.
The data is from a transcriptomics experiment in yeast and has been downsampled heavily to facilitate quick analyses. The original data can be found at the Short Read Archive (
- samples: [SRR941826, SRR941827, SRR941830, SRR941831]
# create snakemake env
conda env create -n snakemake --file envs/snakemake.yaml
# activate env
conda activate snakemake
# dry run
snakemake -np --use-conda
# execute
snakemake -Tp --use-conda
├── dag_v5.png ## workflow diagram for v5
├── dag_v6.png ## workflow diagram for v6
├── dag_v7.png ## workflow diagram for v7
├── Snakefile_v2 ## workflow with one rule (trimming) and explicit naming of targets
├── Snakefile_v3 ## workflow with one rule (trimming) and target file detection based on samples
├── Snakefile_v4 ## workflow with one rule (trimming) + logging and benchmarking of the rule
├── Snakefile_v5 ## workflow with one rule (trimming) + specific conda environment for rule
├── Snakefile_v6 ## workflow with three rules (trimmming, genome indexing and read mapping)
├── Snakefile_v7 ## complete workflow, conda-based rule execution
├── Snakefile_v8 ## complete workflow, singularity container based rule execution
└── Snakefile_v9 ## workflow with one rule (trimming), readiong samples from Google Cloud Storage
# use singularity containers
snakemake -Tp --use-singularity --snakefile examples/Snakefie_v8
# use singularity locally but get smaples from GS bucket and put results to bucket as well
snakemake -Tp --use-singularity --default-remote-provider GS --default-remote-prefix schmeier-reproduce-bucket --snakefile examples/Snakefile_v9
# using Singularity, only if set up on cluster
snakemake --use-singularity --singularity-args "--bind /scale_wlg_nobackup/filesets/nobackup/PROJECTNUMBER" -j 999 --cluster-config data/nesi/cluster-nesi-mahuika.yaml --cluster "sbatch -A {cluster.account} -p {cluster.partition} -n {cluster.ntasks} -t {cluster.time} --hint={cluster.hint} --output={cluster.output} --error={cluster.error} -c {cluster.cpus-per-task} --mem={cluster.mem}" -p --rerun-incomplete