is a Python package for obtaining open data from Instituto Canario de Estadística (ISTAC). It provides a wrapper to the open API catalog.
pip install istacpy
The package is divided into several modules depending on the resource you want to retrieve.
Example 1: Get a list of all available indicators:
>>> from istacpy.indicators import indicators
>>> indicators.get_indicators()
Example 2: Get a list of geographic granularities treated in the ISTAC-indicators database. For example provincial, insular or municipal granularity:
>>> from istacpy.indicators import geographic
>>> geographic.get_indicators_geographic_granularities()
This is a lite version of the rest of the indicators API. It’s a kind of wrapper to facilitate the access to indicators data. It’s not as powerful as the above functions but it hides a lot of the business logic of the API, so it’s quite suitable to quickly retrieve information.
Example: Get (absolute yearly) population of Lanzarote municipalities between 2010 and 2020:
>>> from istacpy.indicators.lite import indicators
>>> indicator = indicators.get_indicator('POBLACION')
>>> data = indicator.get_data(geo='M|Lanzarote', time='Y|2010:2020')
>>> data.as_dataframe()
Arrecife Haría San Bartolomé Teguise Tías Tinajo Yaiza
2010 58156 5249 18161 20105 19869 5655 14242
2011 57357 5203 18468 20788 20102 5728 14871
2012 56284 5190 18487 21096 20228 5716 15131
2013 55673 4782 18541 21152 20451 5783 15571
2014 56880 4736 18689 21101 19658 5808 15068
2015 56940 4755 18402 21454 20019 5824 15815
2016 58537 4767 18151 21724 20037 5924 15944
2017 59771 4858 18249 21896 19964 6028 16257
2018 61351 4969 18327 22122 20006 6119 16289
2019 62988 5123 18816 22342 20170 6279 16571
2020 64645 5263 19099 22703 20628 6434 17040
Example 1: Get all existing statistical data cubes:
>>> from istacpy.statisticalresources import cubes
>>> cubes.get_statisticalresources_datasets()
Example 2: Get all the data sets maintained by a certain organization:
>>> from istacpy.statisticalresources import cubes
>>> cubes.get_statisticalresources_datasets_agency(agencyid='ISTAC')
Example 1: Get a list of classifications:
>>> from istacpy.structuralresources import classifications
>>> classifications.get_structuralresources_codelists()
Example 2: Get a list of geographic coordinate from Icod de los Vinos:
>>> from istacpy.structuralresources import variables
>>> variables.get_structuralresources_geoinfo('VR_TERRITORIO', 'MUN_ICOD_VINOS')
For a full documentation of all available functions within the package, please see
Please use the GitHub issue tracker to submit bugs or request features.
Consult the Changelog page for bugfixes and feature in each version.
You can also contact us via email at [email protected].
Copyright Instituto Canario de Estadística (ISTAC), 2018.
Distributed under the terms of the AGPLv3 license, istacpy is free and open source software.