Tool to encode and decode text using copiale cipher. Inspired by this video on the this cipher.
- Generate cypher key file
- Encode text using key
- Read from txt file
- Output to txt file
- Read from STDIN
- Output to STDOUT
- Decode text using key
- Read from txt file
- Output to txt file
- Read from STDIN
- Output to STDOUT
- Input argument flags for settings
- STDOUT interface & prompt
- Cipher Logic
- Get base charset
- Create first keyfile
- Need better charset files, using the full set returns too many <?>. Using the chinese set is cool but limited.
- Need to find a way to replace the letter with one of the replacements for each instance not the same replacement across the whole document.
- Ideas for cli options
- Flag for interactive mode
- Flag to encode or decode
- Require keyfile for decode (Not a cracking tool lol)
- Flag to only generate keys
- Flag for charset (used to create keyfile)
- Flag for keyfile
- If no keyfile, generate one on encode
- Flag for input-file
- Default to STDIN
- Flag for output-file
- Default to STDOUT
- Update naming, right now its very confusing. Start on paper, draw it out lol
- Refactor code. Does it even need to have async calls?? I dont think so.