I developed ping ponguin as my final project during the neuefische web developer bootcamp in fall 2019.
With ping ponguin you can find people to play ping pong with. You can sign up with your email. If you're signed in, you can see a list of the other registered players. The list can be filtered by residence and ability. If you want to play with someone you can start a chat.
The app was built using create-react-app and a MERN Stack:
- MongoDB
- Express
- React
- Node.js
The chat was built with socket.io.
- bcrypt
- cors
- mongoose
- prop-types
- react-router-dom
- react-scripts
- styled-components
- styled-icons
- use-socket.io-client
- cypress
- eslint-plugin-cypress
- nodemon
- npm-run-all
- storybook
- storybook-react-router
To run the app, you need to clone the project. Then run npm install
in the project directory.
You need to have Node.js installed. And you need to setup a database, see below.
The app is build for mobile screens. Thus it appears in a 375 x 667 px frame on big screens.
npm start
Runs the app in the development mode and the server with nodemon.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view the app in the browser. The server runs on http://localhost:3333.
The page and the server will reload if you make edits. You will also see any lint errors in the console.
npm run cypress
Opens cypress for testing. Currently only a test for the sign in is implemented.
npm run storybook
Starts storybook. Currently only a small part of the app is in storybook.
You need to install MongoDB (or have it already installed) and it must be reachable under the default port http://localhost:27017.
You need to setup a database with name "ping-ponguin". You can then either sign up users in the app yourself or you can set up a collection with name "users" and import mock data.
You find mock data for users in server/data/mockUsers.json. You can import that file using a tool like MongoDB Compass. You can then login with:
- email: [email protected]
- password: titanic
Many Thanks
- to the awesome team of neuefische!!!
- to my fellow bootcampers!!!
- to Yagya and Erik Satie (and many others) for making such great music to code to.
- to Titanic-Magazin which I stole the ping ponguin logo from. (Please don't sue me!)
Shout outs to all depressed penguins.