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MELT 3.1

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@janothan janothan released this 25 Aug 16:53
· 266 commits to master since this release


  • MELT now has an evaluation command line interface (MELT Evaluation CLI, module matching-eval-cli)
  • three new matchers which uses NLP transformers: TransformersFilter, TransformersFineTuner, TransformersFineTunerHpSearch
  • example project which uses NLP transformers
  • added negative sampling methods like: AddNegativesViaMatcher, AddNegativesRandomlyShare, AddNegativesRandomlyOneOneAssumption, AddNegativesRandomlyAbsolute
  • MatcherHTTPCall can call remote matchers which implement the web interface defined at the MELT documentation
  • MatcherDockerFile automatically imports a saved docker image from file into the local repository and starts a fresh container based on this image to call the matcher via MatcherHTTPCall
  • automatic generating of documentation page of all matchers and filters in the MELT repository MELT documentation
  • multisource matching with new interfaces and implementations to reuse one to one matchers for a multisource setting


  • Test Cases of tracks are now ordered in a deterministic way. getFirstTestCase(), for instance, will now return
    the same test case on every machine.
  • MatcherSEALS checks before run if the java executable is really Java 1.8 because this is a strict requirement of SEALS client
  • ConfidenceFinder in matching-eval returns correct threshold (due to a change of the confidence of false negatives)
  • MatcherSEALS works also in parallel mode (when executed with ExecutorParallel)


  • Docker Web Packages follow the convention that the file name of the package must carry the name of the image
    (with an optional -latest postfix). The constructor of MatcherDockerFile has been adapted so that it is
    sufficient to provide a file.
  • Docker Web packaging plugin: Image name now included in name of package.
  • Releasing MELT is now easier because gpg plugin can be activated via a maven profile
  • MatcherSEALS uses toString method to return a meaningful name which also includes the name of the exeucted matcher
  • The SEALS packaging is now also tested in the CI (tests on all operating systems and java versions)
  • ConfidenceFinder also allows to search for best confidence for F-measure, and F beta-measure
  • Caching of python pip packages, OAEI data, and transformers models to improve CI pipeline runtime
  • added transformation route from URL to OWLOntology (OWLAPI) - thus OWLAPI also works with IMatcher interface