Version 1 - Dec 2011 by [email protected]
This a library for CodeIgniter Framework to make QR Code from some string given, a porting code from
This library requires CodeIgniter Framework and GD2 PHP extension.
On the fly generate
header("Content-Type: image/png");
$params['data'] = 'This is a text to encode become QR Code';
Saved QR Code image example
$params['data'] = 'This is a text to encode become QR Code';
$params['level'] = 'H';
$params['size'] = 10;
$params['savename'] = FCPATH.'tes.png';
echo '<img src="'.base_url().'tes.png" />';
Optional configuration
$config['cacheable'] = true; //boolean, the default is true
$config['cachedir'] = ''; //string, the default is application/cache/
$config['errorlog'] = ''; //string, the default is application/logs/
$config['quality'] = true; //boolean, the default is true
$config['size'] = ''; //interger, the default is 1024
$config['black'] = array(224,255,255); // array, default is array(255,255,255)
$config['white'] = array(70,130,180); // array, default is array(0,0,0)