This is a Bank Management System project implemented in C++. The project provides basic functionalities of a banking application, allowing users to open an account, view account details, deposit and withdraw money, search for specific accounts, and exit the application.
The Bank Management System project includes the following features:
- Open Account: Users can create a new bank account by providing their first name, last name, and initial balance.
- Account Details: Users can view the details of a specific account by entering the account number.
- Deposit: Users can deposit money into an account by specifying the account number and the amount to be deposited.
- Withdraw: Users can withdraw money from an account by providing the account number and the amount to be withdrawn.
- Search: Users can search for specific accounts by their account number.
- Exit: Users can chooses to exit the application.
Upon running the application, a menu will be displayed with the available options. Users can select an option by entering the corresponding number and pressing Enter.
The menu options include:
- Open Account: Create a new bank account by providing the required details.
- Account Details: View the details of a specifc account by entering the account number.
- Deposit: Deposit money into an account by specifying the account number and the amount.
- Withdraw: Withdraw money from an account by providing the account number and the amouunt.
- Search: Search for a specific account by entering the account number.
- Exit: Exit the application.
Follow the on-screen instructions to perform desired actions. Account details, including account number, balance, first name, and last name, will be displayed when viewing or performing operations on an account.