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Pseudo-Random Number Generator algorithms used for the final essay of the elective course "Reti e sistemi complessi: fenomeni fisici e interazioni sociali".
The folder contains:
- Middle-square method: the algorithm used to reproduce the middle-square procedure for the generation of pseudo-random numbers proposed by John von Neumann in 1949
- Lorenz System: contains the algorithms used to reproduce the Lorenz System PRNG. In particular:
- lorenz.m: MatLab implementation of the Lorenz system.
- lorenzSimulation.m: MatLab implementation of the simulation of the Lorenz System.
- lyapunovExponent.m: MatLab implementation of the computation of the Lyapunov exponent.
- PRNG_lorenzAlgorithm.m: MatLab implementation of the PRNG algorithm.
- Logistic Map: contains the algorithms used to reproduce the Logistic Map PRNG. In particular:
- logisticEquation.m: MatLab implementation of the Logistic equation.
- logisticMap.m: MatLab implementation of the simulation of the Logistic Map.
- dynamicBehavior.m: Plot of the dynamics of the Logistic Map.
- lyapunovExponent.m: MatLab implementation of the computation of the Lyapunov exponent.
- PRNG_logisticAlgorithm: contains the C algorithm used to implement the PRNG:
- myrandom.h: library file that contains all the utilities for the algorithm.
- myrandom.c: implementation of the utilities.
- PRNG_logistic.c: C implementation of the algorithm.
- makefile: makefile