Bachelor's Thesis
Student: Dương Lữ Điện
Supervisor: Trần Công Án, PhD.
We use YOLO algorithm in our dataset and try to detect some types of traffic signs in Vietnam: 102, 130, 131, 201a, 201b, 202, 203, 205, 207, 208, 209, 221, 224, 225, 233, 245, 302, 303, 423, crowded, end_crowded, traffic_light
This project was published under GNU General Public License v3.0. Make sure that you have read the LICENSE carefully before using it in your project.
- Report PDF
- Fozen model
- Slides
- Dataset: send an email to duongludien@gm*
- TensorFlow checkpoint: send an email to duongludien@gm*
- Navigate to your local repo.
$ cd YOUR_LOCAL_REPO/yolov3/
- Create a virtual environment and install requirements
$ virtualenv test_env --python=python3.6
$ source test_env/bin/activate
(test_env)$ pip install -r requirements.txt
While requirements are being installed, download frozen model in the Resources section and put it into
directory. -
After all finished, run the demonstration
- For predicting images:
Press Left for previous, q for exiting and another key for next
- For predicting videos:
Press q for exiting
Note: If you want to develop your own model from my code, install all requirements yourself :)