Enu 0.2
Enu 0.2 is finally here! This is the biggest update to Enu by far, and adds a host of new features like multiplayer, worlds containing multiple levels, programmable level switching, level templates, in-world menus, and more.
Although there are still many missing features and rough edges, I think this release captures what Enu is all about, and should be usable by most people. Try it out! Make things! Tell your friends!
Check out the new Enu web site at https://ē.nu! Or, for folks who prefer boring urls without impossible to type characters, http://getenu.com! You can also join us on Discord.
The Windows version isn't signed, and you'll get a scary "Windows protected your PC" warning when you launch the installer. You'll need to press "Run anyway" which, depending on your windows version, may require clicking "More info" first. Enu will be on Steam soon(ish), which won't have this issue.
Thanks for checking out Enu. Have fun!