This repository contains code for the analyses reported in the following manuscript:
Trial-level analyses from the main manuscript are reported here
Supplementary analyses:
- Individual difference analyses
- Trial-level analyses using a 2s event duration
- Trial-level analyses using valence
- Trial-level analyses modeling instruction
= R code to run the factor analysis used to generate the stimulidata
= task and brain data filesfx
= code used to estimate first-level fMRI modelsindividual_diffs_analyses
= R code and supporting files to run the individual difference analysesppc
= code used to preprocess the MRI data using fMRIPrep and smooth the fMRI dataroi
= code used to create the ROIsRSA
= R code and supporting files to run the representational similarity analysesrx
= code used to estimate group-level fMRI modelstrial_level_analyses
= R code and supporting files to run the trial-level analyses
├── behavioral
├── data
├── fMRI
│ ├── betaseries
│ ├── fx
│ │ ├── mergebetas
│ │ ├── models
│ │ ├── motion
│ │ ├── multiconds
│ │ └── thresholding
│ ├── individual_diffs_analysis
│ ├── ppc
│ │ └── smooth
│ ├── roi
│ ├── RSA
│ ├── rx
│ └── trial_level_analysis
├── org
│ └── bidsQC
└── sMRI
└── templates