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puberty CCA update
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theresacheng committed Feb 18, 2020
1 parent d0163ac commit da24ae8
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Showing 5 changed files with 1,393 additions and 0 deletions.
89 changes: 89 additions & 0 deletions Puberty_CCA/prep_puberty_data.Rmd
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
title: "puberty_cca"
author: "Theresa Cheng"
date: "3/27/2019"
output: html_document

```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
packages = c("tidyr", "dplyr", "rio", "stringr")
# load packages, install as needed
package.check <- lapply(packages, FUN = function(x) {
if (!require(x, character.only = TRUE)) {
install.packages(x, dependencies = TRUE)
library(x, character.only = TRUE) }})

```{r load data}
save_clean_data = TRUE
# data files
data_dir <- "/Volumes/psych-cog/dsnlab/TAG/behavior"
output_dir <- "/Volumes/psych-cog/dsnlab/TAG/projects/W1_puberty_cca"
saliva_file <- "/Puberty/Saliva/Wave1/TAG_W1_Saliva_wide_cens_only4.csv"
hair_file <- "/Puberty/Hair/Wave1/TAG_W1_Hair_processed.csv"
pds_file <- "/Questionnaires/Wave1/PDS_Wave1.csv"
pbip_file <- "/Questionnaires/Wave1/PBIP_Wave1.csv"
# load and clean saliva data
saliva_df <- import(paste0(data_dir, saliva_file))
saliva_df$SID <- str_pad(saliva_df$SID, 3, pad = "0")
saliva_df$SID <- paste0("TAG", saliva_df$SID)
# get age
age_df <- saliva_df[, c("SID", "ageS2")]
# ok continuing on with saliva now
saliva_df_EST <- saliva_df[, c("SID", "sal_EST_conc_ln_w_1", "sal_EST_conc_ln_w_2", "sal_EST_conc_ln_w_3", "sal_EST_conc_ln_w_4")]
saliva_df_TEST <- saliva_df[, c("SID", "sal_TEST_conc_ln_w_1", "sal_TEST_conc_ln_w_2", "sal_TEST_conc_ln_w_3", "sal_TEST_conc_ln_w_4")]
saliva_df_DHEA <- saliva_df[, c("SID", "sal_DHEA_conc_ln_w_1", "sal_DHEA_conc_ln_w_2", "sal_DHEA_conc_ln_w_3", "sal_DHEA_conc_ln_w_4")]
find_saliva_mean <- function(saliva_df_hormone, hormone_name){
df <- gather(saliva_df_hormone, key = "week" , value = "concentration", -SID) %>%
group_by(SID) %>%
summarise(mean = mean(concentration, na.rm = TRUE))
df$SID <- as.character(df$SID)
colnames(df) <- c("SID", paste0("mean_saliva_", hormone_name))
mean_EST <- find_saliva_mean(saliva_df_EST, "EST")
mean_TEST <- find_saliva_mean(saliva_df_TEST, "TEST")
mean_DHEA <- find_saliva_mean(saliva_df_DHEA, "DHEA")
saliva_mean_df <- full_join(mean_EST, mean_TEST, by = "SID") %>%
full_join(., mean_DHEA, by = "SID")
# load hair data
hair_df <- import(paste0(data_dir, hair_file))
hair_df <- spread(hair_df[, -3], hormone, concentration_ln)
hair_df$SID <- as.character(hair_df$SID)
hair_df$SID <- str_pad(hair_df$SID, 3, pad = "0")
hair_df$SID <- paste0("TAG", hair_df$SID)
# merge hair and saliva data
hormone_df <- full_join(saliva_mean_df, hair_df, by = "SID") %>%
full_join(., age_df, by = "SID")
# load physical maturation data
pds_df <- import(paste0(data_dir, pds_file))
pds_df <- pds_df[, c("tagid", "PDS_F1", "PDS_F2", "PDS_F3", "PDS_F4", "PDS_F6")] # did not include Q 5 re: timing
colnames(pds_df) <- c("SID", "pds1_height", "pds2_hair", "pds3_skin", "pds4_breasts", "pds6_period")
pbip_df <- import(paste0(data_dir, pbip_file))
pbip_df <- pbip_df[, c("tagid", "PBIP_1A", "PBIP_2A")]
colnames(pbip_df) <- c("SID", "pbip1_breasts", "pbip2_pubic_hair")
physical_mat_df <- full_join(pds_df, pbip_df, by = "SID")

```{r save cleaned data}
if (save_clean_data == TRUE) {
saveRDS(hormone_df, paste0(output_dir, "/hormone_df.RDS"))
saveRDS(physical_mat_df, paste0(output_dir, "/physical_mat_df.RDS"))
178 changes: 178 additions & 0 deletions Puberty_CCA/prep_stress_adversity_variables.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
# Prep stress/adversity variables for analysis
# T Cheng | Feb 18, 2020

# Conducts data cleaning and mean imputation in accordance with what is outlined in TWC's prereg entitled
# Preregistration: Dimensions relating the correspondence of pubertal hormones and physical maturation in early adolescent girls

packages = c("tidyr", "dplyr", "rio")

# load packages, install as needed
package.check <- lapply(packages, FUN = function(x) {
if (!require(x, character.only = TRUE)) {
install.packages(x, dependencies = TRUE)
library(x, character.only = TRUE) }})

# data files
data_dir <- "/Volumes/psych-cog/dsnlab/TAG/behavior"
ctq_file <- "/Questionnaires/Wave1/CTQ_Wave1.csv"
pss_file <- "/Questionnaires/Wave1/PSS_Wave1.csv"
free_lunch_file <- "/Demographics/ParentQ_SES/TAG_W1_SES_ParentQ.xlsx"

# load ctq
ctq_df <- import(paste0(data_dir, ctq_file))
ctq_df <- ctq_df[order(ctq_df$tagid), ]# order by SID

ctq_items = list( # EA
c("CTQ_3", #_calledstupid",
"CTQ_8", #_neverbeenborn",
"CTQ_14", #_familyinsulting",
"CTQ_18", #_familyhatedme",
"CTQ_25"), #_emotionallyabused"),
# PA
c("CTQ_17", #_beatenbadly",
"CTQ_9", #_hithard",
"CTQ_11", #_leftwithbruises",
"CTQ_12", #_punishedwithbelt",
"CTQ_15"), #_physicallyabused"),
# SA
c("CTQ_20", #_touchsexual",
"CTQ_21", #_threatenedsexual",
"CTQ_23", #_watchsexualthings",
"CTQ_24", #_molested",
"CTQ_27"), #_sexuallyabused"),
# EN
c("CTQ_5", #_helpedfeelspecial",
"CTQ_7", #_feltloved",
"CTQ_13", #_familylookedout",
"CTQ_19", #_familyclose",
"CTQ_28"), #_familystrength"),
# PN
c("CTQ_1", #_notenoughtoeat",
"CTQ_2", #_protectme",
"CTQ_6", #_weardirtyclothes",
"CTQ_26", #_takemetodoctor",
"CTQ_4"), #_parentstoodrunk"),
# Denial
c("CTQ_10", #_nothingtochange",
"CTQ_16", #_perfectchildhood",
"CTQ_22")) #_bestfamily"))

subscale_info = list(scales = c("EA", "PA", "SA", "EN", "PN"),
ctq_items = ctq_items)

ctq_SID <- ctq_df$tagid
ctq_df <- cbind(ctq_SID, ctq_df[, colnames(ctq_df) %in% unlist(ctq_items)])
colnames(ctq_df)[1] = "SID"

# items appear to have already been reverse-scored, with the exception of #28. i'll do so now.
ctq_df$CTQ_28 = 6 - ctq_df$CTQ_28

#if >2 missing per subscale, then the value is missing; if <3 per subscale, then value is mean imputed for that subscale. then add entire scale.
ctq_missing_vector <- list()
ctq_subscale_imputed <- list()

for (i in 1:length(subscale_info[[1]])){
subscale = subscale_info[[1]][i]
ctq_items = subscale_info[[2]][[i]]

ctq_subscale_df <- cbind(ctq_SID, ctq_df[, colnames(ctq_df) %in% ctq_items])

# count the number of nas
num_ctq_nas <- ctq_subscale_df %>%
gather(., key = item, value = value, -ctq_SID) %>%
group_by(ctq_SID) %>%
summarise(total_ctq_na = sum(

# if the number of nas is 1 or 2, mean imput values
ctq_na_vector <- c(which(num_ctq_nas$total_ctq_na == 1), which(num_ctq_nas$total_ctq_na == 2))
ctq_na_vector <- ctq_na_vector[order(ctq_na_vector)]

# calculate mean values
mean_ctq_subscale <- ctq_subscale_df[ctq_na_vector, ] %>%
gather(., key = item, value = value, -ctq_SID) %>%
group_by(ctq_SID) %>%
summarise(mean = mean(value, na.rm = TRUE))

for (j in 1:length(ctq_na_vector)) {
idx = ctq_na_vector[j]
ctq_subscale_df[idx, which([idx, ]))] <- mean_ctq_subscale[j, ]$mean # if index is na replace w/ mean
} # output looks weird bc some went out to two decimal places, but checked manually it works!

ctq_subscale_imputed[[i]] <- ctq_subscale_df

# if the number of nas is 3 or more, save the SID number to be censored
ctq_missing_vector[i] <- c(which(num_ctq_nas$total_ctq_na > 2))


# reassemble ctq
ctq_df_mean_imputed <-
ctq_df_mean_imputed <- ctq_df_mean_imputed[, !colnames(ctq_df_mean_imputed) %in% c("ctq_SID.1", "ctq_SID.2", "ctq_SID.3", "ctq_SID.4")]
temp <- ctq_df_mean_imputed %>%
gather(., key = item, value = value, -ctq_SID)

temp$value <- round(as.numeric(temp$value), 1)

temp <- temp %>%
group_by(ctq_SID) %>%
mutate(ctq_sum = sum(value))

ctq_df_mean_imputed <- pivot_wider(temp, values_from = value, names_from = item)

# load and clean pss
pss_df <- import(paste0(data_dir, pss_file))
pss_df <- pss_df[, c("tagid", "PSS_1", "PSS_2", "PSS_3", "PSS_4", "PSS_5", "PSS_6", "PSS_7", "PSS_8", "PSS_9", "PSS_10")]
colnames(pss_df)[1] = "SID"

# remove PSS duplicated row (TAG055)
pss_df <- pss_df[-which(duplicated(pss_df$SID)), ]

# get long dataframe
pss_df_long <- pss_df %>%
gather(., key = item, value = value, -SID)

# count the number of nas
num_pss_nas <- pss_df_long %>%
group_by(SID) %>%
summarise(total_pss_na = sum(

# if the number of nas is 1, 2, or 3, mean imput values
pss_na_SID <- num_pss_nas$SID[which(num_pss_nas$total_pss_na > 0 & num_pss_nas$total_pss_na < 3)]

# calculate mean values
mean_pss <- pss_df %>%
filter(SID %in% pss_na_SID) %>%
gather(., key = item, value = value, -SID) %>%
group_by(SID) %>%
summarise(mean = mean(value, na.rm = TRUE))

# replace missing values with mean values
for (j in 1:length(pss_na_SID)) {
temp_SID <- pss_na_SID[j]
pss_df_long[which(pss_df_long$SID == temp_SID &$value)), ]$value <- mean_pss$mean[j]

pss_df_mean_imputed <- pivot_wider(pss_df_long, id_cols = SID, names_from = item, values_from = value)
pss_df_mean_imputed$pss_sum = rowSums(pss_df_mean_imputed[, -1])

# if the number of nas is 3 or more, save the SID number to be censored
pss_missing_SID <- num_pss_nas$SID[which(num_pss_nas$total_pss_na > 3)]

# load and clean free lunch data
free_lunch_df <- import(paste0(data_dir, free_lunch_file))

# read in puberty data
puberty_EM <- read.csv("/Volumes/psych-cog/dsnlab/TAG/projects/W1_puberty_cca/puberty_df_EM_imputed1.csv")

# make mega-spreadsheet with relevant variables for 174 subjects
temp <- full_join(data.frame(SID = ctq_df_mean_imputed$ctq_SID, ctq_sum = ctq_df_mean_imputed$ctq_sum), data.frame(SID = pss_df_mean_imputed$SID, pss_sum = pss_df_mean_imputed$pss_sum))
temp2 <- full_join(temp, data.frame(SID = free_lunch_df$TAG_ID, income = free_lunch_df$W1_Kiddo_Free_Lunch))
stress_df <- filter(temp2, SID %in% puberty_EM$SID)
#stress_df <- stress_df[order(stress_df$SID), ] # NEXT: re-order these, AND re-order puberty EM

full_SIDs <- data.frame(puberty_EM$SID)
colnames(full_SIDs) = "SID"

stress_df <- left_join(full_SIDs, stress_df)

saveRDS(stress_df, file = "/Volumes/psych-cog/dsnlab/TAG/projects/W1_puberty_cca/stress_df.rds")

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