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Admin Website

Management and data viewing portal for recycling department administrators.

This is part of a suite of apps made for Georgia Tech's OSWM&R, which also includes:

  • route-recorder: Buddy app for recycling department crewmembers working recycling routes
  • recycling-checkin: Daily check-out/check-in for recycling department crewmembers needing GT property

For Developers


  • latest stable version of Node
  • latest stable version of NPM (usually included with the Node installation)
  • the Firebase CLI
  • the Angular CLI
  • access to our Firebase console
  • read/write access to this Github repo
  • read/write access to our private Github repo
  • credentials (see below)

Getting your credentials

Until you add credentials, the project will not run, and there will be an error about missing imports. Credentials are required for both development and deployment.

  1. Go to our Firebase console settings
  2. Retrieve the code for the Firebase config object (Your Apps -> Web apps -> Admin website -> Firebase SDK Snippet -> Config)
  3. Make a new file called firebase.ts and place it in the src/environments directory, and export the Firebase config object as default
    1. A template, src/environments/firebase-template.ts, is provided as a reference for this step. This file doesn't do anything else.

It is not necessary to secure Firebase API keys like this, but we do so as an extra layer of security.

Running this code

This project uses Firebase services: Authentication, Firestore, and Functions.

To run locally for development:

  1. In a CLI, install dependencies with npm i
    1. Also navigate to the functions folder to install Firebase functions dependencies: cd functions, npm i
  2. Go back to the project root directory and run npm start
    1. This will start a local development instance. In a web browser, navigate to http://localhost:4200/ to view
    2. This also starts the Firebase emulators. The website mostly uses emulated resources during development instead of production data.
      1. Some sample data is automatically imported for testing purposes.
      2. Firestore and Functions are emulated. Authentication uses production auth data, and is not emulated due to lack of need.
      3. Firestore Rules are not emulated, so be mindful when testing new changes.
      4. If you need the emulated database to contain record data, there are two Functions endpoints (seedRouteRecords and seedCheckinRecords) to help you by seeding some data.

Deploying this code

To deploy the website

This uses Angular's Github Pages deploy tool, and deploys built files to a private Github Pages instance.

  1. Run ng deploy --base-href=/pages/dscgt/recycling_website_dist/ --repo= --branch=master --name="your_gatech_display_name_here" --email="your_gatech_email_here"
  2. View our deploy here.

There is no need to build beforehand, this is done automatically.

To deploy Firebase functions

firebase deploy --only functions:functionname1,functions:functionname2

For example, firebase deploy --only functions:generateExcelSheet will deploy only the generateExcelSheet() endpoint.

More information:

Building this code

You shouldn't have to do this that often (or at all), since both running for development and deploying to production build automatically.

Building for production:

npm run build-prod

Building for development:

npm run build

Built files are placed in a /dist directory.


Made by the Developer Student Club at Georgia Tech.