####################################################################################### Aggregate-Latent-Class-Logit: Demand Model R code for estimation of latent class logit model with aggregate data By Minha Hwang ([email protected]) ####################################################################################### There are 3 R codes and 1 supporting data set. 1. lc-agglogit-main-availablity.R: Main R code - Note that this accomodate varying choice sets 2. ll_adclc.ava.R: Log-Likelihood functoin for maximization 3. fake-data-gen-with-availability.R: Synthetic data generation code (for code validation) 4. lcl_agg_fake_data-with-availability.csv: Synthetic data generated from the code above Reference: 1. A Segment-Level Model of Category Volume and Brand Choice William R. Dillon and Sunil Gupta Marketing Science, Vol. 15, No. 1 (1996), pp 38-59 2. The Recoverability of Segmentation Structure from Store-level Aggregate Data Anand V. Bodapati, and Sachin Gupta Journal of Marketing Research, August 2004 In case of quesitons, please reach out to [email protected]