This module manages mongodb services. It provides the functions for mongod and mongos instances.
RHEL/CentOS 6+
Debian 6+
Ubuntu 10.04 and newer
If you use Debian/Ubuntu you need a class which installes the mongodb repository.
You have to change that in params.pp and install.pp or remove the repo part from install.pp if you
have other ways to get the mongodb repo into your server.
For Redhat/CentOS there is an yum repo defined in /repos/yum.pp, which will be used as default.
All information about how to configure the mongodb repo of your OS can be found here:
stdlib by puppetlabs
facter > 1.6.2
puppet > 2.6.2
mongod_instance = despription of mongd service (shard1, config, etc) (required)
mongod_bind_ip = listen ip (defaul; emtpy, so listen in all)
mongod_port = listen port (defaul; 27017)
mongod_replSet = Name of ReplSet (optional)
mongod_enable = Enable/Disable service at boot (default: true)
mongod_running = Start/Stop service (default: true)
mongod_configsvr = is config server true/false (default: false)
mongod_shardsvr = is shard server true/false (default: false)
mongod_logappend = Enable/Disable log file appending (default: true)
mongod_rest = Enable/Disable REST api (default: true)
mongod_fork = Enable/Disable fork of mongod process (default: true)
mongod_add_options = Array. Each field is "key" or "key=value" for parameters for config file
mongos_instance = despription of mongd service (shard1, config, etc) (required)
mongos_bind_ip = listen ip (defaul; emtpy, so listen in all)
mongos_port = listen port (defaul; 27017)
mongos_configServers = String with comma seperated list of config servers (optional)
mongos_enable = Enable/Disable service at boot (default: true)
mongos_running = Start/Stop service (default: true)
mongos_logappend = Enable/Disable log file appending (default: true)
mongos_fork = Enable/Disable fork of mongod process (default: true)
mongos_add_options = Array. Each field is "key" or "key=value" for parameters for config file
node { include mongodb mongodb::mongod { "my_mongod_instanceX": mongod_instance => "mongodb1", mongod_replSet => "mongoShard1", mongod_add_options => ['fastsync','slowms = 50'] } }
4 nodes (3 of them config server) with 4 shards in replecation
node mongo_sharding_default { # Install MongoDB include mongodb # Install the MongoDB shard server mongodb::mongod {'mongod_Shard1': mongod_instance => "Shard1", mongod_port => '27019', mongod_replSet => "Shard1", mongod_shardsvr => 'true' } mongodb::mongod {'mongod_Shard2': mongod_instance => "Shard2", mongod_port => '27020', mongod_replSet => "Shard2", mongod_shardsvr => 'true' } mongodb::mongod {'mongod_Shard3': mongod_instance => "Shard3", mongod_port => '27021', mongod_replSet => "Shard3", mongod_shardsvr => 'true' } mongodb::mongod {'mongod_Shard4': mongod_instance => "Shard4", mongod_port => '27022', mongod_replSet => "Shard4", mongod_shardsvr => 'true' } # Install the MongoDB Loadbalancer server mongodb::mongos { "mongos_profile": mongos_instance => "mongoproxy", mongos_port => 27017, mongos_configServers => ",," } } node "", "", "" inherits mongo_sharding_default { # Install the MongoDB config server include mongodb mongodb::mongod { "mongod_config": mongod_instance => "profileConfig", mongod_port => '27018', mongod_replSet => '', mongod_configsvr => 'true' } } node "" inherits mongo_sharding_default { }
written by Daniel Werdermann [email protected]