This repository contains a collection of scripts for working with the Peloton API.
The main script is app.R which contains a Shiny App to display:
Live ride data - charts for output, resistance, cadence, and speed over the course of the live ride.
Historical workout data - output over time, favorite days to workout, and week over week performance history.
You can view it live at
Currently under development is a "Spotify Wrapped" type app that will allow a user to see summary statistics about their last year of workouts with Peloton. Work on this project is located in the "PelotonWrapped" folder. Planned developments include:
Adding a tab for cycling stats (output over the year, total distance cycled, favorite class type)
Word cloud of words used in class descriptions
Ability to save an output that users can share on social media
Format numbers as thousands properly where applicable (ex: 1,000 vs 1000)