Debian (netinst) + i3wm on macbook pro retina 2013 (11.1)
I got debian + i3wm working very stable on my macbook pro retina 2013, this is my annotations how to solve some problems and versioned my config files.
Install debian netinst
, then you can use an android tethering internet connection:
dmesg #to get port mapping when connecting the android device
dhclient ubsmappeddevice #to start internet
then solved via
- add non-free source list
- install
- disable conflicting modules:
modprobe -r b44 b43 b43legacy ssb brcmsmac bcma
- initialize wl:
modprobe wl
- install an wifi management like
(it has an applet to i3)
With wifi working you can install i3wm and start customizing it:
- put this on
Section "Monitor"
Identifier "<default monitor>"
DisplaySize 400 250 # In millimeters
I want to the keyboard be as close as my experience on macOs, cuz i still use another macbook. This will make these changes:
caps look
(alsoi3 mod
onleft alt
(to make the mac like accentuation. eg:alt+e
How to:
- add
Section "InputClass"
Identifier "system-keyboard"
MatchIsKeyboard "on"
Option "XkbLayout" "us"
Option "XkbModel" "macbook78"
Option "XkbVariant" "mac"
Option "XkbOptions" "lv3:alt_switch,ctrl:nocaps,altwin:ctrl_win"
but wait... there is no mac variant to us
symbols... so I make it
- append this on
partial alphanumeric_keys
xkb_symbols "mac" {
include "macintosh_vndr/us(extended)"
name[Group1]= "English (Macintosh)";
key <LSGT> { [ section, plusminus, section, plusminus ] };
key <TLDE> { [ grave, asciitilde, dead_grave, dead_horn ] };
key <AE01> { [ 1, exclam, exclamdown, U2044 ] };
key <AE02> { [ 2, at, trademark, EuroSign ] };
key <AE03> { [ 3, numbersign, sterling, U2039 ] };
key <AE04> { [ 4, dollar, cent, U203A ] };
key <AE05> { [ 5, percent, infinity, UFB01 ] };
key <AE06> { [ 6,asciicircum, section, UFB02 ] };
key <AE07> { [ 7, ampersand, paragraph, doubledagger ] };
key <AE08> { [ 8, asterisk, enfilledcircbullet, degree ] };
key <AE09> { [ 9, parenleft, ordfeminine, periodcentered ] };
key <AE10> { [ 0, parenright, masculine,singlelowquotemark] };
key <AE11> { [ minus, underscore, endash, emdash ] };
key <AE12> { [ equal, plus, notequal, plusminus ] };
key <AD01> { [ q, Q, oe, OE ] };
key <AD02> { [ w, W, U2211,doublelowquotemark] };
key <AD03> { [ e, E, dead_acute, acute ] };
key <AD04> { [ r, R, registered, U2030 ] };
key <AD05> { [ t, T, dagger, dead_caron ] };
key <AD06> { [ y, Y, yen, onequarter ] };
key <AD07> { [ u, U, dead_diaeresis, diaeresis ] };
key <AD08> { [ i, I, dead_circumflex, U02C6 ] };
key <AD09> { [ o, O, oslash, Ooblique ] };
key <AD10> { [ p, P, Greek_pi, U220F ] };
key <AD11> { [ bracketleft, braceleft, leftdoublequotemark, rightdoublequotemark ] };
key <AD12> { [bracketright, braceright, leftsinglequotemark, rightsinglequotemark ] };
key <BKSL> { [ backslash, bar, guillemotleft, guillemotright ] };
key <AC01> { [ a, A, aring, Aring ] };
key <AC02> { [ s, S, ssharp, dead_stroke ] };
key <AC03> { [ d, D, partialderivative, eth ] };
key <AC04> { [ f, F, function, dead_hook ] };
key <AC05> { [ g, G, copyright, dead_doubleacute ] };
key <AC06> { [ h, H, dead_abovedot, dead_belowdot ] };
key <AC07> { [ j, J, U2206, onehalf ] };
key <AC08> { [ k, K,dead_abovering, UF8FF ] };
key <AC09> { [ l, L, notsign, THORN ] };
key <AC10> { [ semicolon, colon, U2026, thorn ] };
key <AC11> { [apostrophe, quotedbl, ae, AE ] };
key <AB01> { [ z, Z, Greek_OMEGA, dead_cedilla ] };
key <AB02> { [ x, X, U2248, dead_ogonek ] };
// unclear whether "approxeq" is 2248 or 2245
key <AB03> { [ c, C, ccedilla, Ccedilla ] };
key <AB04> { [ v, V, squareroot, U25CA ] };
key <AB05> { [ b, B, integral, idotless ] };
key <AB06> { [ n, N, dead_tilde, U02DC ] };
key <AB07> { [ m, M, mu, threequarters ] };
key <AB08> { [ comma, less, lessthanequal, dead_macron ] };
key <AB09> { [ period, greater, greaterthanequal, dead_breve ] };
key <AB10> { [ slash, question, division, questiondown ] };
include "level3(ralt_switch)"
(rather than media keys)
# temporary
echo 2 > /sys/module/hid_apple/parameters/fnmode
# permanent
echo options hid_apple fnmode=2 | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/hid_apple.conf
- install
- fix address of device in
sudo find /sys/ -type f -iname '*brightness*'
(search for anything like intel/brightness) - set it on xorg.conf:
Section "Device"
Identifier "Card0"
Driver "intel"
Option "Backlight" "/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:02.0/drm/card0/card0-eDP-1/intel_backlight"
- i3 config shortcuts
# brightness
bindsym XF86MonBrightnessDown exec xbacklight -dec 20 # decrease
screen brightness
bindsym XF86MonBrightnessUp exec xbacklight -inc 20 # increase screen
- install
; reboot; - install
from github ( - i3 config shortcuts
# audio
bindsym XF86AudioRaiseVolumei exec --no-startup-id pactl set-sink-volume 0 +5% #increase sound volume
bindsym XF86AudioLowerVolume exec --no-startup-id pactl set-sink-volume 0 -5% #decrease sound volume
bindsym XF86AudioMute exec --no-startup-id pactl set-sink-mute 0 toggle # mute sound
# player
bindsym XF86AudioPlay exec playerctl play-pause
bindsym XF86AudioNext exec playerctl next
bindsym XF86AudioPrev exec playerctl previous
- install light from github (
- Fix for version 1.2, after install:
sudo cp /home/alexandre/90-backlight.rules.bkp /lib/udev/rules.d/
- i3 config shortcuts
# keyboard backlight
bindsym XF86KbdBrightnessDown exec light -U 33 -s sysfs/leds/smc::kbd_backlight
bindsym XF86KbdBrightnessUp exec light -A 33 -s sysfs/leds/smc::kbd_backlight
- install
- add this to
xinput --set-prop bcm5974 "libinput Natural Scrolling Enabled" 1
xinput --set-prop bcm5974 "libinput Tapping Enabled" 1
- install
- bind i3 shortcut
bindsym --release $mod+Shift+3 exec "scrot -s /tmp/screenshot-$(date +%F_%T).png -e 'xclip -selection c -t image/png < $f'"
- you can bind alt+tab to change workspace
bindsym $mod+Tab workspace next
- copy
to your home directory.