This is a card I quickly created to recreate a remotecontrol in the homeassistant UI because I never can find the damn thing .. The code isn't really all that pretty and can use some cleaning up but.. it works well so it's one of those things I'll get to when I happen to find myself with tons of time on my hands which should be somewhere never. :) Here's an example of the remote I recreated for my bedroom tv:
The lovelace config for the tv looks like this:
- color: red
entity: switch.finluxnetflix
icon: mdi-netflix
state: toggle
- color: red
entity: switch.finluxyoutube
icon: mdi-youtube
state: toggle
- type: doublespace
- color: grey
entity: switch.finluxyup
icon: mdi-arrow-up
state: toggle
- type: break
- type: doublespace
- type: doublespace
- color: grey
entity: switch.finluxleft
icon: mdi-arrow-left
state: toggle
- color: grey darken-2
entity: switch.finluxok
icon: mdi-check-outline
state: toggle
- color: grey
entity: switch.finluxright
icon: mdi-arrow-right
state: toggle
- type: break
- type: doublespace
- type: doublespace
- type: doublespace
- color: grey
entity: switch.finluxdown
icon: mdi-arrow-down
state: toggle
- type: doublespace
- color: grey darken-2
entity: switch.finluxback
icon: mdi-undo
state: toggle
- type: break
- color: red accent-4
entity: switch.bedroombaronoff
icon: mdi-power-settings
state: toggle
- type: space
- color: indigo darken-2
entity: switch.bedroombarvolume
icon: mdi-volume-plus
state: turn_on
- color: indigo
entity: switch.bedroombarvolume
icon: mdi-volume-minus
state: turn_off
- type: space
- color: green
entity: switch.bedroombareffect
icon: mdi-function-variant
state: toggle
cardsize: 3
color: red accent-4
entity: switch.finluxonoff
icon: mdi-power-settings
state: toggle
title: Tv Boven
type: 'custom:cinema-card'
And here's the ventilator config :
- type: doublespace
- color: indigo
icon: mdi-numeric-1-box
state: turn_on
- type: space
- color: indigo darken-2
entity: switch.fanspeed2
icon: mdi-numeric-2-box
state: turn_on
- type: space
- color: indigo darken-4
entity: switch.fanspeed3
icon: mdi-numeric-3-box
state: turn_on
cardsize: 1
color: red accent-4
icon: mdi-power-settings
state: turn_off
title: Ventilator
type: 'custom:cinema-card'