Options hash checking for perl:
my $cat_def = ohash_define( keys => [qw< tail nose claws teeth >]);
sub cat{
my %options = @_;
ohash_check( $cat_def, \%options);
# ...
cat( teeth => 'sharp' );
cat( trunk => 'long'); # Boom, will fail. Cats dont expect to have a trunk.
Generally the way to use this is to create the definition "types" at compile time in the package definition & then check against them later :
package foo;
use OptionHash;
my $DOG_DEF = ohash_define( keys => [ qw< nose > ]);
sub build_a_dog{
my( %opts ) = @_;
ohash_check($DOG_DEF, \%opts);
See CPAN for the full POD