AWS Timestream is a fast, scalable, and serverless time series database service. This package is an opinionated implementation to query timestream and ingest data into timestream.
It provides a query builder class which has common timeseries sql function. This was inspired by Laravel Eloquent ORM.
See supported query functions NorbyBaru\AwsTimestream\Contract\QueryBuilderContract
It also provide a payload builder class to format your data correctly to ingest into timestream.
See NorbyBaru\AwsTimestream\Contract\PayloadBuilderContract
composer require norbybaru/laravel-aws-timestream
- Publish config
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="NorbyBaru\AwsTimestream\TimestreamServiceProvider" --tag="timestream-config"
- Open
config file and setup your databse name and tables - Setup you AWS Timestream keys and permissions with the following enviroment variable
Using TimestreamBuilder::query()
will give autocomplete of all available functions
- Using
to build query to be passed ontoTimestreamReaderDto
which generate am object that can be consumed byTimestreamService
query function
use NorbyBaru\AwsTimestream\TimestreamService;
use NorbyBaru\AwsTimestream\TimestreamBuilder;
use NorbyBaru\AwsTimestream\Dto\TimestreamReaderDto;
public function overview(TimestreamService $timestreamService)
$queryBuilder = TimestreamBuilder::query()
->from("database-name", 'table-name')
->whereAgo('time', '24h', '>=')
->whereNotIn('measure_value::varchar', ['reviewer', 'open', 'closed'])
->orderBy('time', 'desc');
// response from Aws timestream
return $timestreamService->query($timestreamReader)
- Use
to injectfrom
query with defaultdatabase
name and on demandtable
name. NB. No need to add->from()
query on your query builder.
use NorbyBaru\AwsTimestream\TimestreamService;
use NorbyBaru\AwsTimestream\TimestreamBuilder;
use NorbyBaru\AwsTimestream\Dto\TimestreamReaderDto;
public function overview(TimestreamService $timestreamService)
$queryBuilder = TimestreamBuilder::query()
->whereAgo('time', '24h', '>=')
->whereNotIn('measure_value::varchar', ['reviewer', 'open', 'closed'])
->orderBy('time', 'desc');
TimestreamReaderDto::make($queryBuilder, 'table-name');
// response from Aws timestream
return $timestreamService->query($timestreamReader)
We need to build our payload that Timestream will accept for ingestion.
- Use
to build ingestion payload
use NorbyBaru\AwsTimestream\TimestreamService;
use NorbyBaru\AwsTimestream\Dto\TimestreamWriterDto;
use NorbyBaru\AwsTimestream\TimestreamBuilder;
public function ingest(TimestreamService $timestreamService)
$metrics = [
'measure_name' => 'cpu_usage',
'measure_value' => 80,
'time' => Carbon::now(),
'dimensions' => [
'mac_address' => 'randomstring',
'ref' => 'refs',
$payload = TimestreamBuilder::payload(
$timestreamWriter = TimestreamWriterDto::make($payload)->forTable('table-name');
return $timestreamService->write($timestreamWriter);
- Ingestion data in batch using Common Attributes to reduce ingestion cost with Timestream
use NorbyBaru\AwsTimestream\TimestreamService;
use NorbyBaru\AwsTimestream\Dto\TimestreamWriterDto;
use NorbyBaru\AwsTimestream\Support\TimestreamPayloadBuilder;
public function ingest(TimestreamService $timestreamService)
$metrics = [
'measure_name' => 'cpu_usage',
'measure_value' => 80,
'time' => Carbon::now(),
'dimensions' => [
'ref' => 'ref_1',
'measure_name' => 'memory_usage',
'measure_value' => 20,
'time' => Carbon::now(),
'dimensions' => [
'ref' => 'ref_2',
$commonAttributes['device_name'] = 'device_1';
$commonAttributes['mac_address'] = 'randomstring';
$payload = TimestreamBuilder::batchPayload($metrics);
$common = TimestreamBuilder::commonAttributes($commonAttributes);
$timestreamWriter = TimestreamWriterDto::make($payload, $common, 'table-name');
return $timestreamService->write($timestreamWriter);
composer test