The Configurable Chart Collection is a JavaScript library for data visualization in HTML5 built using D3 available as an NPM package.
- Line / Area Graphs
- Bar Charts
- Stacked Graphs
- Pie / Donut Charts
- Scatter Plots
- Swimlanes
- Flame Chart Timeline
- Icicle
- Sunburst
- Sankey Flow Graph
- Butterfly caller/callee Flow Graph
- Legends
- Data Tables
- Declarative style API.
- Flexibility with dataset organization. Use your own structures and describe their shape via accessor functions.
- Layering mechanism for composability of different data in the same chart.
- Compatible with animation for linked and dynamic datasets.
- Lots of styling options by exposing CSS directly.
- Extensible for custom user interaction by exposing DOM events.
- Extensible with custom functionality.
- Some visualizations contain built-in support for dealing with large datasets.
- Compatible with Crossfilter (example)
View example charts and visualizations with complete annotated sources.