Copy backbone.queryparams.js to your environment and include after backbone.js.
note: Backbone now supports minimal query parameters as of 1.1.1:
Any route except those ending with a wildcard will automatically accept additional content using the '?' separator. This content is a set of key value pairs using '&' as the pair separator and '=' as the key/value separator - just like the URL query string syntax.
If a query string exists in the route hash, the routing function (defined in the routes hash) will be given an additional parameter (in last ordinal position) containing hash of the key/value data.
routes: {
'foo/:bar': 'myRoute'
myRoute: function(bar, params) {
// the params attribute will be undefined unless there is a route containing a query string
- #foo/abc -> myRoute( 'abc', undefined )
- #foo/abc?foo=bar -> myRoute( 'abc', {'foo': 'bar'} )
All query parameters can be passed in a single hash using the key referenced from the route definition by setting Backbone.Router.namedParameters = true
Using the previous example route patterns, the controller function would be
myRoute( {bar: 'abc', foo: 'bar'} );
Although this is not compatible with backbone, it is very useful to prevent router function parameter overloading where you have to always consider whether the route query parameters were passed.
Any keys containing '.' will represent a nested structure.
Any keys containing '[]' will assume an array structure.
Any values containing '|' will assume an array structure.
Non-array values can still contain '|' but it must be URI encoded (%7C).
A prefix of '|' will ensure an array in case there is only a single value.
#foo/abc?me.fname=Joe&me.lname=Hudson -> myRoute('abc', {'me': {'fname': 'Joe', 'lname': 'Hudson'}} ) #foo/abc?animals=cat|dog -> myRoute( 'abc', ['cat', 'dog'] ) #foo/abc?animals=|cat -> myRoute( 'abc', ['cat'] )
You can create a route string from a route + parameter hash using the router.toFragment(route, parameters) method. It can contain a nested hash structure or arrays. ex:
var route = router.toFragment('myroute', {
a:'l', b:{c: 'n', d:'m', e:{f: 'o'}}, array1:['p'], array2:['q', 'r'], array3:['s','t','|']
If you want to use this plugin with regex routes you'll need to append the query capture component (([\?]{1}.*)?
) manually.
router.route(/foo\/([^\/]+)\//, 'foo:event', callback)
should be written
router.route(/foo\/([^\/]+)\/([\?]{1}.*)?/, 'foo:event', callback)
This library supports Backbone 1.0.0 and 1.1.0. Backbone 1.1.0 users need to either include the backbone.queryparams-1.1-shim.js
file or modify their backbone libray to remove this line from Backbone.History.prototype.navigate
// Strip the fragment of the query and hash for matching.
fragment = fragment.replace(pathStripper, '');
This library can also be used when Marionette 1.2.2 (with router/appRoutes) is used on top of Backbone.