- Overview
- Features
- Future Enhancements
- Acceptance Criteria
- Website Preview
- Technologies
- Collaborators
- License
- Resources
- While electric vehicles are becoming more and more available, the infrastructure required for long distance trips are not mature as the infrastructure for gas vehicles or as well known.
- Various government agencies are working on these issue
- Examples:
- US Dept of Energy’s Alternative Fuels Data Center
- National Renewable Energy Lab
- CDOT Dept of Innovative Mobility and the Colorado Energy Office’s NEVI Program
- However, the private companies that have the most market share for providing Driving Directions have yet to incorporate this feature, but a couple are starting to work on it, i.e MapBox & Tom-Tom.
- Examples:
- This project aims to help long distance EV travelers gain confidence that they will not be stuck on the side of the road with a depleted battery.
As an Electric Vehicle Owner,
I want to know where charging stations are located prior to my trips
because charging stations are not as prevalent as gas stations (yet).
- User
- Create Account
- Login/Logout
- Change Password
- Add & Remove EVs to their Fleet
- Add & Remove Trips
- View EV Charging Stations along their route
- Specify a default starting address/location
- Administration
- User Management
- Lock/Unlock Users
- Delete Users
- EV Management
- Import new EVs from NREL’s Alternative Fuel Vehicles API
- User Management
- Allow the user to reset a forgotten password.
- Force a user to change their password on their next login.
- Automatically lock out a user on a set number of failed login attempts.
- Add paging to the administration tables.
As a User
WHEN I visit the site
THEN I am presented with the login page where I am able to login in, create an account, or reset a forgotten password
WHEN I create an account
THEN the system prompts me for a username, email, password.
WHEN I log in correctly
THEN I am sent to my Dashboard page
WHEN I am logged in
THEN I see navigation links for the Dashboard, my profile, my trips, my fleet, and the option to log out
WHEN I visit the Profile page
THEN I am allowed to update my default start address.
WHEN I visit the Dashboard page
THEN I see my fleet, my saved trips, and links to create a new trip and add vehicles to my fleet
AND options to delete vehicles from my fleet and my trips.
WHEN I visit the Trip page
THEN I can input a start address (defaulted to the address in my profile), destination address, and my intended EV
THEN I am presented with a map of my trip with markers on the map of charging stations along the way (courtesy of the NREL Alternative Fuel Stations API).
WHEN I click the Save/Submit button
THEN the trip is saved to my account.
WHEN I double-click on the map
THEN up to 25 charging stations within a 25-mile radius are displayed on the map
WHEN I attempt to perform any delete action
THEN I am presented with either a Modal or another Page warning me of the consequences of the action.
WHEN I click on the logout option in the navigation
THEN I am signed out of the site
WHEN I am idle on the site for more than a set time and then I try to perform another action
THEN I am prompted to log in again
As an Admin
WHEN I am logged in
THEN I see an Admin menu with links to User Management and EV Management.
WHEN I visit the User Management page
THEN I see all registered users, able to lock/unlock their account, see their last login date/time, delete their account, and make them an admin, or remove their admin status.
WHEN I visit the EV Management page
THEN I see all electric vehicles pulled from the NREL Alternative Fuel Vehicle API and can pull an update of the vehicles
As a Developer
WHEN I am collaborating with team mates
THEN I want consistently formatted code with Prettier
AND I want to ensure correct syntax with ESLint
- JavaScript
- GitHub
- Node.js
- Express.js
- Sequelize
- Express Handlebars
- Node-fetch
- Bootstrap v5.2.1
- Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets
- Heroku
- MapBox GL JS
- Dan Kelly: Github LINK
- Drew Lederman: Github LINK
- Andrew Lovato: Github LINK
This application is covered under the MIT License.
- GitHub Repo: https://github.com/dpk5e7/evRoute
- Heroku Hosted URL: https://dpk5e7-evroute.herokuapp.com/