(base) [donaldp@deslogin desdm_flat_file_investigation]$ ls -lh *.csv
-rw-rw-r-- 1 donaldp desdm 1.5G Feb 15 10:42 y6a1_file_archive_info.csv
-rw-rw-r-- 1 donaldp desdm 1.7G Feb 15 08:30 y6a1_image.csv
-rw-rw-r-- 1 donaldp desdm 5.1M Feb 15 09:43 y6a1_proctag.csv
did my ingest after creating tables and indextees. Very sloe-- hours.
- Thsi is order(s?) of magnitude faster than creating indices after inget. about 20 minutes.
- encoded a sample query in ingest.toml. (to keep tings consistent). uc-se-into-coadd
- verifies thet all terms has indices
- verified (and fixed DB so that all terms have indidces -- SLow (an hour?) -- I cut it off.
- The VACUUM command rebuilds the database file, repacking it into a minimal amount of disk space
- not quick -- running for leke an hour.
- did not record db size ahaed of time.
- after: -rw-r--r-- 1 donaldp desdm 6.9G Feb 20 09:16 desdm-test.db
- reddi samople query @ 9:17
- seems faster, not fast enougn 6 retured rows in 4 minutes.
- likked after 20 minutes -- 37 line of output in 20 minutes
- here [https://www.sqlite.org/queryplanner.html]
- and here [https://www.sqlite.org/queryplanner-ng.html]
- PRAGMA analysis_limit=400 PRAGMA optimize;
- Avoid creating low-quality indexes.
- If you must use a low-quality index, be sure to run ANALYZE. the way the query planner knows that an indes is loe is by the content of the SQLITE_STAT1 table,
- Use unlikely() and likelihood() SQL functions to encode prior about truefalse.
- Use the CROSS JOIN syntax to enforce a particular loop nesting order on queries that might use low-quality indexes in an unanalyzed database.
- Use unary “+” operators to disqualify WHERE clause terms.
- Use the INDEXED BY syntax to enforce the selection of particular indexes on problem queries. A
select fai.path,fai.filename
from y6a1_proctag t, y6a1_image i, y6a1_image j, y6a1_file_archive_info fai
where t.tag='Y6A1_COADD'
and t.pfw_attempt_id=i.pfw_attempt_id
and i.tilename='DES0000+0209'
and i.filetype='coadd_nwgint' #low quality index
and i.expnum=j.expnum and i.ccdnum=j.ccdnum
and j.filetype='red_immask' # low quality index
and j.filename=fai.filename;
investigate Better qulityu indies woudl be to make index joinlty over (filename, filetypee)
-- low qualityy indices are -- i,.filetype, j.filetype -- i. ccdnum, j.ccdum
Change TOML file to mitigate isues
columns = [
["pfw_attempt_id", "INTEGER"],
["filetype", "TEXT"],
["filename", "TEXT"],
["expnum", "INTEGER"],
["ccdnum", "INTEGER"],
["tilename", "TEXT"]
#indexes = ["pfw_attempt_id", "filetype", "filename", "tilename", "expnum", "ccdnum"]
indexes = ["pfw_attempt_id", "filename, filetype", "tilename", "expnum, ccdnum"]
select = "SELECT {} FROM y6a1_image ;"
create = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS y6a1_image {} ;"
so make indices likes..
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS y6a1_image__pfw_attempt_id_idx ON y6a1_image (pfw_attempt_id) ;
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS y6a1_image__filename_filetype_idx ON y6a1_image (filename, filetype) ;
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS y6a1_image__tilename_idx ON y6a1_image (tilename) ;
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS y6a1_image__expnum_ccdnum_idx ON y6a1_image (expnum, ccdnum) ;
Without deleteing the old fielname, filetype indices, speed increased. ~680 (all) commponent CCD were returned in unuder 1 minute 18 seconds
EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN select fai.path,fai.filename
from y6a1_proctag t, y6a1_image i, y6a1_image j, y6a1_file_archive_info fai
where t.tag='Y6A1_COADD'
and t.pfw_attempt_id=i.pfw_attempt_id
and i.tilename='DES0000+0209'
and i.filetype='coadd_nwgint'
and i.expnum=j.expnum and i.ccdnum=j.ccdnum
and j.filetype='red_immask'
and j.filename=fai.filename;
(9, 0, 0, 'SEARCH TABLE y6a1_image AS i USING INDEX y6a1_image__tilename_idx (tilename=?)')
(16, 0, 0, 'SEARCH TABLE y6a1_proctag AS t USING INDEX y6a1_proctag__pfw_attempt_id_idx (pfw_attempt_id=?)')
(25, 0, 0, 'SEARCH TABLE y6a1_image AS j USING INDEX y6a1_image__expnum_ccdnum_idx (expnum=? AND ccdnum=?)')
(36, 0, 0, 'SEARCH TABLE y6a1_file_archive_info AS fai USING INDEX y6a1_file_archive_info__filename_idx (filename=?)')
(base) [donaldp@deslogin desdm_flat_file_investigation]$ ./ingest.py query uc-se-into-coadd
How to find the single epoch images that went into a tile
select fai.path,fai.filename
from y6a1_proctag t, y6a1_image i, y6a1_image j, y6a1_file_archive_info fai
where t.tag='Y6A1_COADD'
and t.pfw_attempt_id=i.pfw_attempt_id
and i.tilename='DES0000+0209'
and i.filetype='coadd_nwgint'
and i.expnum=j.expnum and i.ccdnum=j.ccdnum
and j.filetype='red_immask'
and j.filename=fai.filename;
# Reload DB from scratch experiment with PRAGMA analysis_limit=400 PRAGMA optimize;
- about 8 minutes to load data from CSV's
- about 4 12/ mim to make indexes
- No vacuumming
(base) [donaldp@deslogin desdm_flat_file_investigation]$ ./ingest.py plan uc-se-into-coadd EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN select fai.path,fai.filename from y6a1_proctag t, y6a1_image i, y6a1_image j, y6a1_file_archive_info fai where t.tag='Y6A1_COADD' and t.pfw_attempt_id=i.pfw_attempt_id and i.tilename='DES0000+0209' and i.filetype='coadd_nwgint' and i.expnum=j.expnum and i.ccdnum=j.ccdnum and j.filetype='red_immask' and j.filename=fai.filename;
(9, 0, 0, 'SEARCH TABLE y6a1_image AS i USING INDEX y6a1_image__tilename_idx (tilename=?)') (16, 0, 0, 'SEARCH TABLE y6a1_proctag AS t USING INDEX y6a1_proctag__pfw_attempt_id_idx (pfw_attempt_id=?)') (25, 0, 0, 'SEARCH TABLE y6a1_image AS j USING INDEX y6a1_image__expnum_ccdnum_idx (expnum=? AND ccdnum=?)') (36, 0, 0, 'SEARCH TABLE y6a1_file_archive_info AS fai USING INDEX y6a1_file_archive_info__filename_idx (filename=?)')
- One minute six secondds
- Still no use of filename, filetype index from Image.
experiment with PRAGMA analysis_limit=400 PRAGMA optimize;
- logged in to database shell
- ran uc-se-into-coadd
- PRAGMA analysis_limit=100 ; PRAGMA optimize;
- repeated query -- no real change about 1 minute 13 sec.
# TRY alternate index (tablename,
filename and filetype)
- though maybe tablename alreadys narrows down the filename and filetypes sufficently
- CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS y6a1_image__pfw_attempt_id_idx ON y6a1_image (pfw_attempt_id) ;
- CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS y6a1_image__tilename_filename_filetype_idx ON y6a1_image (tilename, filename, filetype) ;
- CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS y6a1_image__expnum_ccdnum_idx ON y6a1_image (expnum, ccdnum) ;
- yes, -- 54 seconds.
EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN select fai.path,fai.filename from y6a1_proctag t, y6a1_image i, y6a1_image j, y6a1_file_archive_info fai where t.tag='Y6A1_COADD' and t.pfw_attempt_id=i.pfw_attempt_id and i.tilename='DES0000+0209' and i.filetype='coadd_nwgint' and i.expnum=j.expnum and i.ccdnum=j.ccdnum and j.filetype='red_immask' and j.filename=fai.filename;
(9, 0, 0, 'SEARCH TABLE y6a1_image AS i USING INDEX y6a1_image__tilename_filename_filetype_idx (tilename=?)') (16, 0, 0, 'SEARCH TABLE y6a1_proctag AS t USING INDEX y6a1_proctag__pfw_attempt_id_idx (pfw_attempt_id=?)') (25, 0, 0, 'SEARCH TABLE y6a1_image AS j USING INDEX y6a1_image__expnum_ccdnum_idx (expnum=? AND ccdnum=?)') (36, 0, 0, 'SEARCH TABLE y6a1_file_archive_info AS fai USING INDEX y6a1_file_archive_info__filename_idx (filename=?)')
Experiment with PRAGMA analysis_limit=400 PRAGMA optimize;
- logged in to database shell
- ran uc-se-into-coadd
- PRAGMA analysis_limit=100 ; PRAGMA optimize;
- got 52 seconds (no appreciable increase)
# TRY alternate indes
- (tablename, filename and filetype, expum ccdid)
- Much worse.
- revert that and make a filename, filetype multi-column index on file-archiveONg
- got to 23 seconde in teh psqlshee.
EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN select fai.path,fai.filename from y6a1_proctag t, y6a1_image i, y6a1_image j, y6a1_file_archive_info fai where t.tag='Y6A1_COADD' and t.pfw_attempt_id=i.pfw_attempt_id and i.tilename='DES0000+0209' and i.filetype='coadd_nwgint' and i.expnum=j.expnum and i.ccdnum=j.ccdnum and j.filetype='red_immask' and j.filename=fai.filename;
(9, 0, 0, 'SEARCH TABLE y6a1_image AS i USING INDEX y6a1_image__tilename_filename_filetype_idx (tilename=?)') (16, 0, 0, 'SEARCH TABLE y6a1_proctag AS t USING INDEX y6a1_proctag__pfw_attempt_id_idx (pfw_attempt_id=?)') (25, 0, 0, 'SEARCH TABLE y6a1_image AS j USING INDEX y6a1_image__expnum_ccdnum_idx (expnum=? AND ccdnum=?)') (36, 0, 0, 'SEARCH TABLE y6a1_file_archive_info AS fai USING INDEX y6a1_file_archive_info__filename_filetype_idx (filename=?)')