This app was developed using Android Studio (2.2 Preview 4 - Canary Channel). Target Android API is 23 and minimum is 19.
The Model-View-Presenter pattern
The app was developed following the MVP pattern, separating the internal data model, from a passive view through a presenter that handles the logic of our application.
The screens were developed using material design patterns and following the Test specification document.
Intro: 3 steps showing the most important features, it is possible to skip and go to login screen.
Login: User and password to sign-in the app. There isn't a remote login service to authenticate the user, you need to use the following user:
- user: [email protected]
- pass: test1234
PhotoList: Photos retrieved from photo service. Using longClick is possible to save photos to gallery and a normal click goes to photo details.
Photo Details: Photo's name, photographer, likes and caption. Clicking on the heart is possible to un/favourite the photo.
- appintro: AppIntro helps you make a intro(tutorial) for your app
- butterknife: Easy way for binding(inject) views
- retrofit 2: HTTP client for making request
- picasso: Library for loading and caching remote images
- gson: Gson is a Java library that can be used to convert Java Objects into their JSON representation