Boilerplate project for connecting your Vue.js application to StarkNet
- connect to wallet
- disconnect from wallet
- listen for account change
- update on account change
- call contract
- call contract with discovered address
- invoke contract function
- parse tx response
- Vue3.js
- Vuex 4
- Vuestic UI
- Starknet.js
- Argent X Wallet
Simple counter in storage variable. Anyone can increment and decrement(not passed zero).
steps to deploy(note you do not need to do this, you can test with hardcoded contract address):
$ starknet-compile counter.cairo --output counter_compiled.json --abi counter_abi.json
$ starknet deploy --contract counter_compiled.json
Deploy transaction was sent.
Contract address: 0x00f4c5e82ddb6894411d6ae48b33284ed1cc6b167551e0a76f27811700b1c3c2
Transaction hash: 0x2ae72328e197009b62ecc53580659712f78f8a6bdb4384684e22583e69edff6
npm install
yarn serve
yarn build
yarn lint
See DontPanicDAO license: DPD License.