Steps to Setup and Run a Script:
1. make sure the mongo daemon is running (i.e. 'mongod')
2. run the bitcoinjs-color server (i.e. bitcoinjs run)
3. run the bitcoinjs-color query (i.e. node app.js)
4. open a seperate terminal within the project
5. run the javascript test (i.e. node async.js)
Based on:
Tool to check colored bitcoin on bitcoinjs
Installation in Ubuntu:
after fresh install
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install build-essential python2.7 pkg-config libssl-dev git
Node v0.8.8
git clone git://
cd node
git checkout v0.8.8
sudo make install
Install bitcoinJS:
sudo npm install -g bitcoinjs --unsafe-perm
mkdir /home/ubuntu/.bitcoinjs
cp /usr/local/lib/node_modules/bitcoinjs/daemon/settings.example.js /home/ubuntu/.bitcoinjs/settings.js
Install bitcoinJS-color:
cd ~
git clone
cd bitcoinjs-color/
sudo npm link bitcoinjs
sudo npm install
cp ~/bitcoinjs-color/node_modules/bitcoinjs/daemon/settings.example.js ~/bitcoinjs-color/node_modules/bitcoinjs/daemon/settings.js
Edit ~/bitcoinjs-color/node_modules/bitcoinjs/daemon/settings.js Change the following:
cfg.jsonrpc.enable = true;
cfg.jsonrpc.password = "admin";
This is for Amazon AWS to work on port 80
sudo iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 3333
bitcoinjs start
node app.js
Running bitcoin-tx-spent-db
- kick off mongo daemon (anywhere): "run mongod"
- setup bitcoinjs-server (in bitcoinjs-color): "node app.js"
- initialize db (in bitcoin-tx-spent-db), "node app.js create"