*This is a rework of rapsberry-noaa with the following features:
-Satvis satellite tracking embedded with hotlinks to satellites from the passes list. -Colourscheme adjustments -EMAIL forwarding to zapier service (for downstream automation) -M2 Workflow has been transplanted in and now displays both IR and 'normal' M2 images. -use of the 'log' function now outputs to wrxlog.log in the pi hom folder.
-To DO --Work through the installer process to configure email, ensure all new dependancies are included --Focus on Passes Table - this should indicate FAILED as a status, and historic passes should hotlink to thier images not to the satvis status - This will require an additional 'ACTIVE' status in the db. --Sort out the passes and images table to be responsive. --Automate Mail setup install --Add UI for web based admin - allowing removal of failed images --Garbage Collection - still waiting to see how much fits on an SD card, but sense is one month will be max on 32GB card. --Nice to have: Ajax updaing a push of latest images (I note there is a latestimage viewer but not foudn it in use yet) --Nice to stream the wrxlog.log output to the webpage to monitor progress
To enable mail sending follow this: https://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/msmtp
sudo apt install msmtp msmtp-mta
sudo nano ~/.msmtprc
Copy, Paste and Edit the content of ~/.msmtprc with nano etc. DON'T FORGET TO SET PASSWD and (if using zapier) the zapier email target (or any other email target) *--- snip ---
#Set default values for all following accounts.
auth on
tls on
tls_trust_file /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
logfile ~/.msmtp.log
account gmail
host smtp.gmail.com
port 587
from [email protected]
user [email protected]
#Set a default account
account default : gmail
*--- snip ---
now change the permission on the file
chown pi:pi .msmtprc
chmod 400 .msmtprc
then use the following in the scripts to feed to zapier and forward to whatever service.
mpack -s ${3}-$i ${NOAA_OUTPUT}/images/${3}-$i.jpg [email protected]
note that I have added in this line to the various receive...sh scripts next to where the twitter settings are. For anyone pulling this then you may want to move the variables around email settings / server and pwds to a config file.
I have reverse engineered the query to satvis.space as best i can:
- "tags=" is essential BUT brings in ALL weather satellites.
- this is why i added the hot-link urls to the pass list - this allows you to instantly follow the 'next' satellite
- satvis provides a huge amount of fun data to explore between passes :) Use its own gui to filter and predict etc.
Also the satvis integration has its URLs hard coded (using the already-present $pass[ 'sat_name' ] where required) *This might be better passed in from config < TODO *
I have merged in the METEORM2 decoding from this excellent tutorial (https://www.instructables.com/Raspberry-Pi-NOAA-and-Meteor-M-2-Receiver/) that i had previously had both good success with and also consistently received better images than the default setup in raspberry-noaa.
To make this work you need to add gnuradio
sudo apt install gnuradio
sudo apt install gr-osmosdr
(This is now included in the install.sh script)
There were numerous bad images that i wanted to clear out of the system.
sqlite3 panel.db
brings up the sqlite command prompt: use as follows:
sqlite> .databases
main: /home/pi/raspberry-noaa/panel.db
sqlite> SELECT * FROM decoded_passes;
sqlite> DELETE FROM decoded_passes WHERE ID=36;
sqlite> .quit
Note there is also 'prune.py' which will remove the oldest 10 images from the system: this can be automated but for now I am not doing this until Disc is at around 70%.