Extension for using PhpSpec with FuelPHP framework
Download fuelphp framework from http://fuelphp.com/downloads
wget -O fuelphp.zip http://fuelphp.com/files/download/28
unzip fuelphp.zip
cd fuelphp-1.7.2
And install to use composer
php composer.phar config bin-dir "bin/"
php composer.phar require dohzoh/phpspec-fuel dev-master --prefer-dist
cp fuel/vendor/dohzoh/phpspec-fuel/phpspec.yml.dist phpspec.yml
bin/phpspec describe Model_Blog
bin/phpspec run
You specify the applicaiton root in phpspec.yml, for example:
src_path: fuel/app
spec_path: fuel/app/tests
phpunit.xml: fuel/core/phpunit.xml
This will usually match the path you set for your composer autoload to search for classes.
For documentation on how to use phpspec, see: http://www.phpspec.net/