hdl_people_tracking is a ROS package for real-time people tracking using a 3D LIDAR. It first performs Haselich's clustering technique to detect human candidate clusters, and then applies Kidono's person classifier to eliminate false detections. The detected clusters are tracked by using Kalman filter with a contant velocity model.
hdl_people_tracking requires the following libraries:
- OpenMP
- PCL 1.7
The following ros packages are required:
- pcl_ros
- ndt_omp
- hdl_localization
Bag file (recorded in an outdoor environment):
- hdl_400.bag.tar.gz (933MB)
rosparam set use_sim_time true
roslaunch hdl_people_tracking hdl_people_tracking.launch
roscd hdl_localizatrion/rviz
rviz -d hdl_localizatrion.rviz
rosbag play --clock hdl_400.bag
If it doesn't work well, change ndt_neighbor_search_method in hdl_localization.launch to "DIRECT1". It makes the scan matching significantly fast, but a little bit unstable.
Kenji Koide, Jun Miura, and Emanuele Menegatti, A Portable 3D LIDAR-based System for Long-term and Wide-area People Behavior Measurement, IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems (under review) [PDF].
Kenji Koide, Active Intelligent Systems Laboratory, Toyohashi University of Technology [URL]
[email protected]