##Day 1:
General Session
Getting started with Docker Toolbox and Compose
Docker Toolbox reached full Mac/Windows feature parity, this is a big milestone. See DockerCon EU Demo on youtube
Docker Content Trust gets hardware signing with YubiKey
Docker Content Trust, announced at DockerCon in August, now supports hardware based signing. See DockerCon EU Demo on youtube of how this works
Container security: Project Nautilus revealed to public.
Built-in Container Security analysis in Docker Hub, went live 2 months ago & Self-service coming soon. See full details from Keynote on youtube
Swarm Volume API support.
Control life-cycle of data as well as life-cycle of containers. See full details from Keynote on youtube
Scale testing Docker Swarm to 30.000 containers
swarm was announced as production ready, but does it scale? DockerCon EU Demo on youtube
Slides from Day 1 Sessions
DockerCon EU, Day 1 General Session
##Day 2:
- Docker Trusted Registry with Integrated Content Trust and Universal Control Plane
- Docker Trusted Registry 1.4
- Build part: Docker Automated build system has been re-written into version 2.0
- Deploy part: Acquisition of Tutum. Demo (is cut off)
- Refer back to Project Orca which is what graduated into "Universal Control Plane"
- Docker Subscription on AWS Now Available in Europe
- Closing Session: Cool Hacks from DockerCon EU
- Container Migration Tool: DockerCon Demo - Blog
- Applications transparently compiled to Unikernels & managed by Docker: DockerCon Demo - Blog - Source Code
- DockerCraft: Visualize deployed docker containers using MineCraft... I'm not linking that nor am I linking KubeCraft...
- Container Migration Tool: DockerCon Demo - Blog
Slides from Day 2 Sessions
DockerCon EU, Day 2 General Session
- Day 1 General section: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fLfFFtOHRZQ
- Day 2 General section: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8YM4bkpR-E
- Day 2 Closing general section: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBcMy-_xuYk
- Unikernel demo source code
- Container Migration Tool
- IPVS Daemon gorb
- dvol
- Using Docker to parallelize rails tests with Jet
- AWS Immutable Deployment Framework ionroller - Alternative: Cloudformation+CodeDeploy
- Docker Labels Linter: Docker-label-inspector
- DNS Service Discovery for Swarm: wagl - blog
- Scaling Spark with Zoe analytics
- Helm
- VMWare Photon Controller
- Yelp's PaaSTA
- ecs-cli up
- Embedded Linux - Yocto, used by Resin.io
** Twitter Stream **