- Table of contents
- About the project
- Links
- Built with
- Project folder description (src)
- Access informations to backoffice
- Credits
During my last year of training in computer design and development, we had to present a free project. I decided to go for a soccer website, providing news and matches results. Being a soccer fan myself, I wanted to work on a project that animates me and find new visuals.
You can see the evolution of the project via Figma. The drafts contain:
- Mock-ups of the first version (presented at school)
- Mock-ups of the second version (developed in my spare time after getting my degree)
- Designs (icons, logos, moodboard...)
- Presentation support, containing some diagrams (in its first version)
✐ Visuals: https://www.figma.com/file/8WgQuNX3rIicR8ZLqHVYod/Soccer?type=design&node-id=0%3A1&t=3eFeRSvXqnsVCsQD-1
✐ Presentation : https://www.figma.com/file/GzDt6mZH8dMBC4nituPpfD/2LEFOOT-Presentation?type=design&t=3eFeRSvXqnsVCsQD-1
I use Trello or Evernote to organize my work. You will find the list of remaining and completed tasks.
📝 Trello (🇫🇷): https://trello.com/b/1adWasWA
- Components: reusable components
- Context: context for sections appearing in multiple pages
- Data: json static data
- Images: seeds, icons and other static image contents
- Pages: pages layouts and their components
- Router: routing and redirection components
- Seeds: static data
- Services: queries and mutations
- Styles: custom style vars for CSS and Material UI
- Utils: custom hooks and other reusable functions
You can have access to the backoffice through the following route:
https://premier-zone.netlify.app/secret-loginPlease feel free to contact me to get the credentials and access more features.
Diane M.