This repository is intended to help members of WWTFO quickly create reproducible demo environments which showcase:
- HCP Vault
- HCP Consul
- HCP Boundary
- HCP Packer
- Nomad Enterprise
- Terraform (TFC)
More importantly, the resulting environment is pre-configured to highlight the "better together" story, with a focus on inter-product integrations. A demo could span the entire environment or focus on any individual aspect. The aim was to provide a very flexible environment which can be used as the basis for all use case demos.
The following integrations are highlighted by default:
- Terraform is leveraged to deploy, configure, and integrate the other products
- Vault is used for dynamic credentials in several locations:
- Dynamic Provider credentials used by Terraform
- SSH signed Certificate injection in Boundary
- Dynamic MongoDB credentials injection via Nomad templates
- Packer is used to create Nomad Server and Client AMIs in AWS
- Terraform integrates with HCP Packer for AMI management
- Consul service registration via Nomad
- Consul Connect (service mesh) used by Nomad jobs
The entire environment is orchestrated by the "control-workspace" directory. After completing a few prerequesite manual operations (which we will discuss below in the "Prerequisites" section), you will plan/apply the "control-workspace" in TFC. This workspace will orchestrate the creation and triggering of all downstream workspaces (Shout out to @lucymhdavies for the multi-space idea!).
- control-workspace: Orchestrates all other workspaces
- networking: Creates a VPC in AWS with 3 subnets, an HVN in HCP, and the peering connection between the two
- hcp-clusters: Creates an HCP Vault cluster, an HCP Boundary cluster, an HCP Consul cluster within the HVN
- vault-auth-config: On the first run, will utilize the root token generated in hcp-clusters to bootstrap Vault JWT Auth for Terraform Cloud. After the first run this JWT Auth will be leverage by TFC for all subsequent runs that require Vault access
- boundary-config: Will configure the Boundary instance, configure the dynamic host catalogues, and integrate Vault for SSH signed cert injection
- nomad-cluster: Provisions a 3 node Nomad server cluster as an AWS ASG, boostraps its ACLs, and stores the bootstrap token in Vault
- nomad-nodes: Provisions 2 ASGs of 2 nodes each. 1 node pool for x86 nodes and 1 node pool for ARM nodes
- You need a doormat created AWS sandbox account Docs
- You need a doormat enrolled TFC Account Docs - Only Steps 1-5!
- You need a HCP account with an organization scoped service principal Docs
- You need a Packer Registry Initialized within your HCP Project Docs
- You need a TFC account and a TFC user token Docs
- You need a pre-configured OAuth connection between TFC and GitHub Docs
- Once created, note your OAuth Token ID. This can be found by navigating in TFC to Org "Settings" --> "Version Control - Providers" --> "OAuth Token Id"
- You must enable the HCP Packer registry before Packer can publish build metadata to it. Click the Create a registry button after clicking on the Packer link under "Services" in the left navigation. This only needs to be done once.
- navigate to the doormat-prereqs directory
cd doormat-prereqs/
- paste your doormat generated AWS credentials, exporting them to your shell
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=************************
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=************************
export AWS_SESSION_TOKEN=************************
- Initialize terraform
terraform init
- Run a plan passing in your TFC account name and AWS region
terraform plan -var "tfc_organization=something" -var "region=aws_region"
- Assuming everything looks good, run an apply passing in your TFC account name and AWS region
terraform apply -var "tfc_organization=something" -var "region=aws_region"
- Create a new Project (I called mine "hashistack")
- Create a new Variable Set (again, I called mine "hashistack") and scope it to your previously created Project
- Populate the variable set with the following variables:
Key | Value | Sensitive? | Type |
aws_account_id | <your AWS account ID> | no | terraform |
boundary_admin_password | <intended boundary admin password> | yes | terraform |
my_email | <your email> | no | terraform |
nomad_license | <your nomad ent license> | yes | terraform |
region | <the region which will be used on HCP and AWS> | no | terraform |
stack_id | <will be used to consistently name resources - 3-36 characters. Can only contain letters, numbers and hyphens> | no | terraform |
tfc_organization | <your TFC account name> | no | terraform |
HCP_CLIENT_ID | <HCP Service Principal Client ID> | no | env |
HCP_CLIENT_SECRET | <HCP Service Principal Client Secret> | yes | env |
HCP_PROJECT_ID | <your HCP Project ID retrieved from HCP> | no | env |
TFC_WORKLOAD_IDENTITY_AUDIENCE | <can be literally anything> | no | env |
TFE_TOKEN | <TFC User token> | yes | env |
TFC_ORGANIZATION | <your TFC account name> | no | env |
- Create a new workspace within your TFC project called "0_control-workspace", attaching it to this VCS repository, specifying the working directory as "0_control-workspace"
- Create the following workspace variables within "0_control-workspace":
Key | Value | Sensitive? | Type |
oauth_token_id | <the ot- ID of your OAuth connection> | no | terraform |
repo_identifier | <your GH org>/multi-product-integration-demo | no | terraform |
repo_branch | main | no | terraform |
tfc_project_id | <the prj- ID of your TFC Project> | no | terraform |
- navigate to the packer directory
cd packer/
- paste your doormat generated AWS credentials, exporting them to your shell
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=************************
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=************************
export AWS_SESSION_TOKEN=************************
- export your HCP_CLIENT_ID, HCP_CLIENT_SECRET, and HCP_PROJECT_ID to your shell
export HCP_CLIENT_ID=************************
export HCP_CLIENT_SECRET=************************
export HCP_PROJECT_ID=************************
- Trigger a packer build specifying a pre-existing, publicly accessible subnet of your AWS account and your targeted region for build to happen within
packer build -var "subnet_id=subnet-xxxxxxxxxxxx" -var "region=xxxxx" ubuntu.pkr.hcl
Now comes the easy part, simply trigger a run on "0_control-workspace" and watch the environment unfold!
Once the run is complete, you can access each tool by:
- HCP Consul: Navigate to the cluster in HCP and generate an admin token
- HCP Vault: Navigate to the cluster in HCP and generate an admin token
- HCP Boundary: Navigate to the cluster in HCP or via the Desktop app:
- username: admin
- password: this is whatever you set in the variable set
- Nomad Ent: The "5_nomad-cluster" workspace will have an output containing the public ALB endpoint to access the Nomad UI. The Admin token for this can be retrieved from Vault using
vault kv get -mount=hashistack-admin/ nomad_bootstrap/SecretID
To demonstrate the full stack and all the pre-configured integrations, we've created a "no-code" module. The code for this module is located within the following repository terraform-nomad-workload
- Fork the repository (temporarily necessary)
- Open your TFC Org's Registry and click "publish" then "module"
- Select your Github Connection
- Select your forked repository "terraform-nomad-workload"
- Select "Branch" based, then branch = "main" and version = "1.0.0"
- Select "Add Module to no-code provision allowlist"
- Publish
- [OPTIONAL] Once the module has been published, go to "Configure Settings" and click "Edit Versions and Variable Settings":
- tfc_organization: your tfc org name
- region: the region you deployed the HashiStack to
- mongodb_image: "mongo:5" (you may also add others to show variability, but during your demo always use v5)
- frontend_app_image: "huggingface/mongoku:1.3.0" (you may also add others to show variability, but during your demo always use v1.3.0)
- Save changes
- To demo the workload, select "provision workspace", then enter the following variables for the workspace:
- create_consul_intention: true
- frontend_app_image: "huggingface/mongoku:1.3.0"
- mongodb_image: "mongo:5"
- region: the region you deployed the HashiStack to
- stack_id: name your demo app> (I typically use something like "app001-dev")
- tfc_organization: your tfc org name
- Click "Next: Workspace Settings"
- Provide the workspace settings: