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Multi Product Integration Demo


This repository is intended to help members of WWTFO quickly create reproducible demo environments which showcase:

  • HCP Vault
  • HCP Consul
  • HCP Boundary
  • HCP Packer
  • Nomad Enterprise
  • Terraform (TFC)

More importantly, the resulting environment is pre-configured to highlight the "better together" story, with a focus on inter-product integrations. A demo could span the entire environment or focus on any individual aspect. The aim was to provide a very flexible environment which can be used as the basis for all use case demos.

The following integrations are highlighted by default:

  • Terraform is leveraged to deploy, configure, and integrate the other products
  • Vault is used for dynamic credentials in several locations:
    • Dynamic Provider credentials used by Terraform
    • SSH signed Certificate injection in Boundary
    • Dynamic MongoDB credentials injection via Nomad templates
  • Packer is used to create Nomad Server and Client AMIs in AWS
  • Terraform integrates with HCP Packer for AMI management
  • Consul service registration via Nomad
  • Consul Connect (service mesh) used by Nomad jobs

Repository Structure

The entire environment is orchestrated by the "control-workspace" directory. After completing a few prerequesite manual operations (which we will discuss below in the "Prerequisites" section), you will plan/apply the "control-workspace" in TFC. This workspace will orchestrate the creation and triggering of all downstream workspaces (Shout out to @lucymhdavies for the multi-space idea!).

  • control-workspace: Orchestrates all other workspaces
  • networking: Creates a VPC in AWS with 3 subnets, an HVN in HCP, and the peering connection between the two
  • hcp-clusters: Creates an HCP Vault cluster, an HCP Boundary cluster, an HCP Consul cluster within the HVN
  • vault-auth-config: On the first run, will utilize the root token generated in hcp-clusters to bootstrap Vault JWT Auth for Terraform Cloud. After the first run this JWT Auth will be leverage by TFC for all subsequent runs that require Vault access
  • boundary-config: Will configure the Boundary instance, configure the dynamic host catalogues, and integrate Vault for SSH signed cert injection
  • nomad-cluster: Provisions a 3 node Nomad server cluster as an AWS ASG, boostraps its ACLs, and stores the bootstrap token in Vault
  • nomad-nodes: Provisions 2 ASGs of 2 nodes each. 1 node pool for x86 nodes and 1 node pool for ARM nodes


  • You need a doormat created AWS sandbox account Docs
  • You need a doormat enrolled TFC Account Docs - Only Steps 1-5!
  • You need a HCP account with an organization scoped service principal Docs
  • You need a Packer Registry Initialized within your HCP Project Docs
  • You need a TFC account and a TFC user token Docs
  • You need a pre-configured OAuth connection between TFC and GitHub Docs
    • Once created, note your OAuth Token ID. This can be found by navigating in TFC to Org "Settings" --> "Version Control - Providers" --> "OAuth Token Id"

Preparing your HCP Packer Registry

  1. You must enable the HCP Packer registry before Packer can publish build metadata to it. Click the Create a registry button after clicking on the Packer link under "Services" in the left navigation. This only needs to be done once.

Preparing your AWS account to leverage the doormat provider on TFC:

  1. navigate to the doormat-prereqs directory
cd doormat-prereqs/
  1. paste your doormat generated AWS credentials, exporting them to your shell
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=************************
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=************************
export AWS_SESSION_TOKEN=************************
  1. Initialize terraform
terraform init
  1. Run a plan passing in your TFC account name and AWS region
terraform plan -var "tfc_organization=something" -var "region=aws_region"
  1. Assuming everything looks good, run an apply passing in your TFC account name and AWS region
terraform apply -var "tfc_organization=something" -var "region=aws_region"

Preparing your TFC account:

  1. Create a new Project (I called mine "hashistack")
  2. Create a new Variable Set (again, I called mine "hashistack") and scope it to your previously created Project
  3. Populate the variable set with the following variables:
Key Value Sensitive? Type
aws_account_id <your AWS account ID> no terraform
boundary_admin_password <intended boundary admin password> yes terraform
my_email <your email> no terraform
nomad_license <your nomad ent license> yes terraform
region <the region which will be used on HCP and AWS> no terraform
stack_id <will be used to consistently name resources - 3-36 characters. Can only contain letters, numbers and hyphens> no terraform
tfc_organization <your TFC account name> no terraform
HCP_CLIENT_ID <HCP Service Principal Client ID> no env
HCP_CLIENT_SECRET <HCP Service Principal Client Secret> yes env
HCP_PROJECT_ID <your HCP Project ID retrieved from HCP> no env
TFC_WORKLOAD_IDENTITY_AUDIENCE <can be literally anything> no env
TFE_TOKEN <TFC User token> yes env
TFC_ORGANIZATION <your TFC account name> no env
  1. Create a new workspace within your TFC project called "0_control-workspace", attaching it to this VCS repository, specifying the working directory as "0_control-workspace"
  2. Create the following workspace variables within "0_control-workspace":
Key Value Sensitive? Type
oauth_token_id <the ot- ID of your OAuth connection> no terraform
repo_identifier <your GH org>/multi-product-integration-demo no terraform
repo_branch main no terraform
tfc_project_id <the prj- ID of your TFC Project> no terraform

Building the Nomad AMI using Packer

  1. navigate to the packer directory
cd packer/
  1. paste your doormat generated AWS credentials, exporting them to your shell
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=************************
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=************************
export AWS_SESSION_TOKEN=************************
  1. export your HCP_CLIENT_ID, HCP_CLIENT_SECRET, and HCP_PROJECT_ID to your shell
export HCP_CLIENT_ID=************************                                    
export HCP_CLIENT_SECRET=************************
export HCP_PROJECT_ID=************************
  1. Trigger a packer build specifying a pre-existing, publicly accessible subnet of your AWS account and your targeted region for build to happen within
packer build -var "subnet_id=subnet-xxxxxxxxxxxx" -var "region=xxxxx" ubuntu.pkr.hcl

Triggering the deployment

Now comes the easy part, simply trigger a run on "0_control-workspace" and watch the environment unfold!

Once the run is complete, you can access each tool by:

  • HCP Consul: Navigate to the cluster in HCP and generate an admin token
  • HCP Vault: Navigate to the cluster in HCP and generate an admin token
  • HCP Boundary: Navigate to the cluster in HCP or via the Desktop app:
    • username: admin
    • password: this is whatever you set in the variable set
  • Nomad Ent: The "5_nomad-cluster" workspace will have an output containing the public ALB endpoint to access the Nomad UI. The Admin token for this can be retrieved from Vault using
vault kv get -mount=hashistack-admin/ nomad_bootstrap/SecretID

Deploy a workload to highlight the integrations

To demonstrate the full stack and all the pre-configured integrations, we've created a "no-code" module. The code for this module is located within the following repository terraform-nomad-workload

  1. Fork the repository (temporarily necessary)
  2. Open your TFC Org's Registry and click "publish" then "module"
  3. Select your Github Connection
  4. Select your forked repository "terraform-nomad-workload"
  5. Select "Branch" based, then branch = "main" and version = "1.0.0"
  6. Select "Add Module to no-code provision allowlist"
  7. Publish
  8. [OPTIONAL] Once the module has been published, go to "Configure Settings" and click "Edit Versions and Variable Settings":
  • tfc_organization: your tfc org name
  • region: the region you deployed the HashiStack to
  • mongodb_image: "mongo:5" (you may also add others to show variability, but during your demo always use v5)
  • frontend_app_image: "huggingface/mongoku:1.3.0" (you may also add others to show variability, but during your demo always use v1.3.0)
  • Save changes
  1. To demo the workload, select "provision workspace", then enter the following variables for the workspace:
  • create_consul_intention: true
  • frontend_app_image: "huggingface/mongoku:1.3.0"
  • mongodb_image: "mongo:5"
  • region: the region you deployed the HashiStack to
  • stack_id: name your demo app> (I typically use something like "app001-dev")
  • tfc_organization: your tfc org name
  1. Click "Next: Workspace Settings"
  2. Provide the workspace settings:
  • Workspace name: Name the workspace (I typically use the stack_id I used above, "app001-dev")
  • Project: must be the same project the HashiStack was deployed to (e.g. "HashiStack")
  • Click "Create Workspace"

Video Walkthrough of workload deployment

Video Link


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