A place to store and curate important topics on my journey towards becoming a better SWE. Topics include Ordered and Unordered Data Structures, Algorithms, and a collection of all of my LeetCode submissions.
Submissions to various problems written exclusively in C++. I often include a brute force solution and then optimize as time permits
Part 2 of 3 in Coursera's Accelerated Computer Science Fundamentals Specialization. This folder contains solutions to all of the homeworks and challenge problems throughout the course. Topics include Linked Lists, Tree Structures, Heaps, etc.
Part 3 of 3 in Coursera's Accelerated Computer Science Fundamentals Specialization. This folder contains solutions for the homeworks and challenge problems. Topcis covered include Hash Tables, Disjoint Sets, Graph Structures, and some Search algorithms
Some homeworks are submitted from the Coursera course. Good resources can be found at the actual course website. I've used this course mostly to get familiar with the concepts of data structures and some algorithms.