A barcode renamer for herbarium specimens
Python 3.*
Pillow >= 7.0.0
pyzbar >= 0.1.9
tqdm >= 4.64.0
Download the script file to your local computer and install the required modules. To install modules, use pip:
pip install -r requirements.txt
usage: herbar.py [-h] -s SOURCE [-p {TX,ANHC,VDB,TEST,Ferns,TORCH,EF}]
[-d DEFAULT_PREFIX] [-b BATCH] [-o [OUTPUT]] [-n] [-c CODE]
[-v] [-j [JPEG_RENAME]]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s SOURCE, --source SOURCE
Path to the directory that contains the images to be
Project name for filtering in database
Barcode prefix string which will be used as the
primary barcode when multiple barcodes are found.
Suppresses multiple barcode names in filename.
-b BATCH, --batch BATCH
Flags written to batch_flags, can be used for
filtering downstream data.
-o [OUTPUT], --output [OUTPUT]
Path to the directory where log file is written. By
default (no -o switch used) log will be written to
location of script. If just the -o switch is used, log
is written to directory indicated in source argument.
An absolute or relative path may also be provided.
-n, --no_rename Files will not be renamed, only log file generated.
-c CODE, --code CODE Collection or herbarium code prepended to barcode
-v, --verbose Detailed output for each file processed.
-j [JPEG_RENAME], --jpeg_rename [JPEG_RENAME]
String will be added to JPEG file names to prevent
name conflicts downstream.