Easy generation of ONNX files.
ONNX ops are treated as a DSL embedded within Python. Graphs can be created and then converted to ONNX IR where they can be exported as ONNX files.
# The exporter will convert a graph to ONNX
exporter = Exporter()
# Add two inputs
a = Input(exporter, 'a', np.float32, [32, 32])
b = Input(exporter, 'b', np.float32, [32, 32])
# Add one output
exporter.add_graph_output('output', Abs(a)+b, np.float32)
# Export as ONNX
md = exporter.export('a plus b')
onnx.save(md, 'a_plus_b.onnx')
pip install -r requirements.txt
# For Visual Studio Code support
pip install -r vsc_requirements.txt