Study hard what interests you the most in the most undisciplined, irreverent and original manner possible.
- Richard Feynmann
threading macro(s) for transducers / transducers reimagined as streams
(require '[streamer.core
:refer [=> transduce! sequence! into!]])
;; Ex. 1
;; =====
;; this code
(=> (range 10)
(take 5)
(map inc)
(transduce! *))
;; is the same as
(->> (range 10)
(take 5)
(map inc)
(reduce *))
;; and compiles to
((fn [%xform %coll]
(transduce %xform * %coll)) (comp (take 5)
(map inc))
(range 10))
;; and can also be written as
(=> (range 10)
(take 5)
(map inc)
(transduce %xform * %coll))
;; Ex. 2
;; =====
;; this code
(=> (range 10)
(filter odd?)
(map inc)
;; is the same as
(->> (range 10)
(filter odd?)
(map inc))
;; and compiles to
((fn [%xform %coll]
(sequence %xform %coll)) (comp (filter odd?)
(map inc))
(range 10))
;; and can also be written as
(=> (range 10)
(filter odd?)
(map inc)
(sequence %xform %coll))
;; Ex. 3
;; =====
;; this code
(require '[net.cgrand.xforms :as x])
(=> (range 8)
(x/partition 2)
(map vec)
(into! {}))
;; is the same as
(->> (range 8)
(partition 2)
(map vec)
(into {}))
;; and compiles to
((fn [%xform %coll]
(into {} %xform %coll)) (comp (x/partition 2)
(map vec))
(range 8))
;; and can also be written as
(=> (range 8)
(x/partition 2)
(map vec)
(into {} %xform %coll))
(time (dotimes [_ 1000000]
(=> (range 10)
(filter even?)
(map #(Math/sqrt %))
(transduce! *))))
"Elapsed time: 550.802941 msecs"
(time (dotimes [_ 1000000]
(->> (range 10)
(filter even?)
(map #(Math/sqrt %))
(reduce *))))
"Elapsed time: 1157.937817 msecs"
Copyright © 2018 Divyansh Prakash
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0.