My Ecobee Device: Custom ecobee device to enable more smart thermostat's capabilities within SmartThings
Based on work by Yves Racine
Contributing Authors: Disconn3ct
This is a fork of the original code, before the developer put it behind a pay-wall. This fork is pushed back to before the project was changed.
So far, the bulk of the repository is unchanged. WARNING: The code cannot be used commercially, as required by the original author's license. (Kinda.)
(As to why the fork, I literally just bought an ecobee last week after seeing the support. I haven't even had enough time using it to consider contributing. Had it been closed source already, I would not have changed thermostats to begin with. Additionally, the working rewritten version does not exist, so the original author is asking for users to pay for a broken version and hope the fixes appear someday.)
Note the GitHub ToS explicitly permits this fork in paragraph F1.
Setup time: about 5 minutes
NOTE: These directions need testing.
For ease of and update, you can use the SmartThings github integration.
(This guide will assume you are not doing any development and do not need to create your own copy of the code.)
You will need a github account, but there is no need to do anything with it beyond signing in.
Once you have an account, follow steps 1 and 2 of the SmartThings GitHub guide.
After the accounts are tied together, you can go back to the SmartThings "My Device Types" page and pick "Settings". That will give you the option to add a new repository. In this case, the new repository should look like this:
- Owner: disconn3ct
- Name: device-type.myecobee
- Branch: Master
Once you have added the repository, you can click "Update from Repo" and select the "device-type.myecobee (master)" repository. This will show the device under "New (only in GitHub)" as "devicetypes/yracine/myecobee-devicetype.src/myecobee-devicetype.groovy". Select the checkbox and (at the bottom) the "Publish" checkbox, then select "Execute Update".
Warning: If the green box says "Updated 0 devices and created 0 new devices (1 skipped due to errors)" the update did not take. (I'm still working on a fix that does not involve removing the associated devices and apps and recreating them, but that is the "SmartThings Way" so there may be no easy option.)
Create the SmartApp
Go to
Select "Update from Repo" and pick the "device-type.myecobee (master)" repository again.
This time you should have a lot of entries in "New (only in GitHub)". You can add as few or many as you need, but at a minimum you need "smartapps/yracine/myecobeeinit.src/myecobeeinit".
Again, select "Publish" and "Execute Update".
Make sure that enable OAuth in Smartapp is active by selecting the "Properties" icon for the "MyEcobeeInit" application.
At the bottom is the OAuth fold. Expand that by selecting it and enable it.
Then select "Update".
To update the apps and incorporate any changes from the repository, you will need to sync again ("Update from Repo" as above). Any applications with the update icon (magnifying glass) can be updated.
Select the icon, then it will show local and remote versions with changes highlighted.
You can review the changes, or simply click "Overwrite local version" and "Save" to include them automatically.
This same process can be used to update the device type.
From your phone or tablet, within the smartThings app and on the main screen, click on the Smartapps link in the upper section of the Home or Marketspace page, and then select My Apps at the end of the list.
4) Connect Smartthings to the Ecobee portal
You should already have an ecobee username and password, if not go to
Go through the authentication process using My ecobee Init.
If needed, watch "how to setup ecobee" video (but use My ecobee Init instead of the Smarttings labs script) as the authentication process is similar.
After being connected, click 'Next' and select your ecobee thermostat(s) (SMART, SMART-SI, ecobee3, EMS) that you want to control from Smartthings and, then press 'Next' for the 'Other Settings &Notification' page, and then 'Done' when finished.
If you get a blank screen after pressing 'Next or you get the following error: " Error - bad state. Unable to complete page configuration", you'd need to enable oAuth as specified in step 2f) above.
5) Your device(s) should now be ready to process your commands
You should see your device under
6) To populate the UI fields for your newly created device(s) /*********************************************************************************************
You may have to hit the My Ecobee device 'refresh' button several times as the smartThings app is not always responsive. You may want to stop and restart your smartthings app if needed.
7) Update device's preferences (optional, input parameters)
Go to
Click on the My ecobee device that you just created
Click on Preferences (edit)
You only need to edit the following parameters
(a) <trace> when needed, set to true to get more tracing (no spaces)
(b) <holdType> set to nextTransition or indefinite (by default, no spaces)
for more details
8) Use some of the Smartapps available (optional) /*********************************************************************************************
You can also use some of my smartapps that I've developed.
Amongst others:
a) ecobee3RemoteSensorInit
This smartapp will expose your ecobee3's remote sensors as Motion and Temperature Sensors in SmartThings, so that you can use them in your automation scenarios.
See the following readme file for instructions
b) Monitor And Set Ecobee Temp
In brief, the smartapp allows automatic adjustments of your programmed cooling/heating setpoints according to indoor/outdoor conditions. This is particularly useful in Winter/Summer where outdoor temperature and humidity can vary throughout the day. It can also set your thermostat to 'Away' or 'Home' based on your indoor motion sensors. It will ajust your thermostat's programmed or scheduled setpoints based on occupied rooms (similar to ecobee3, but with ST connected sensors).
You can enable/disable the smartapp with a button on/off tile (ex.virtual switch).
The smartapp can use an outdoor sensor or a virtual weather station, such as
to get the oudoor temperature and humidity.
c) Monitor And Set Ecobee Humidity
Monitor humidity level indoor vs. outdoor at regular intervals (in minutes) and set the humidifier/dehumidifier/HRV/ERV to a target humidity level.
P.S. Your humidifier/dehumidifier/HRV/ERV needs to be physically connected to ecobee.
d) ecobeeChangeMode
Change your ecobee climate (Away,Home) according to your hello home mode.
e) AwayFromHome and ecobeeResumeProg
Use presence/motion sensors or ST hello modes to set a target climate or heating/cooling setpoints based on your presence/absence.
f) ecobeeSetClimate
This smartapp allows a ST user to set the ecobee thermostat(s) to a given climate (Away,Home,Awake,Sleep, other custom programs) at a given day&time.
g) ecobeeSetZoneWithSchedule
The smartapp that enables Multi Zoned Heating/Cooling Solutions based on your ecobee schedule(s)- coupled with smart vents (optional) for better temp settings control throughout your home"
And many others...