Game of Stakes is Cosmos's incentivized testnet.
Here you will find:
Instructions for the Network Start
We are trying to maximize the chances of a fair start to Game of Stakes. This will allow players to be bonded and online from the very begining.
To be bonded at genesis, you need to generate a genesis transaction and submit it by end of day pacific time on Friday December 7th.
The final genesis.json will all the bonded particpants will be released at 6:00 am UTC on Tuesday December 11th.
I reccomend that you download the genesis file, start your server and connect to the seed nodes as early as possible.s
install v0.27.1
of the Cosmos SDK.
run gaiad init
Download genesis to $HOME/.gaiad/config/genesis.json
then run
gaiad gentx \
--amount 10000STAKE \
--commission-rate "0.10" \
--commission-max-rate "1.00" \
--commission-max-change-rate "0.01" \
--pubkey $(gaiad tendermint show-validator) \
--name <key-id>
This will generate a file roughly like $HOME/.gaiad/config/gentx/gentx-c00ce0b868bd5d5576d23f0ad1090f3f478b7961.json
Please submit this file in gentx
folder in a Pull Request on this repository.