Hidden alignment conditional random field for classifying string pairs.
Provides a command line interface to train and test HACRF model on example string pairs and to label new pairs.
For more information on the model, please see A Conditional Random Field for Discriminatively-trained Finite-state StringEdit Distance by McCallum, Bellare, and Pereira, and the report Conditional Random Fields for Noisy text normalisation by Dirko Coetsee.
The optimisation library liblbfgs (https://github.com/chokkan/liblbfgs) is necessary to compile this project.
Currently, two classes are supported. Examples for class 1 can be found in pos.txt and examples for class 2 in neg.txt.
pos.txt looks like
where each line contains two strings, separated by the pipe character. Each line is an example of a string pair belonging to class 1, and in neg.txt each line is a class 2 example.
When a new string pair is given, the model predicts whether that pair is class 1 or class 2.