This is the default module provided by react-native-apple-authentication
This module contains the methods you will use to perform sign in requests, and to revoke authorization access.
import React from 'react';
import { View, Button } from 'react-native';
import appleAuth, {
} from '@invertase/react-native-apple-authentication';
async function onAppleButtonPress() {
// sign in request
const responseObject = await appleAuth.performRequest({
requestedOperation: AppleAuthRequestOperation.LOGIN,
requestedScopes: [AppleAuthRequestScope.EMAIL, AppleAuthRequestScope.FULL_NAME],
// authorization state request
// /!\ This method must be tested on a real device. On the iOS simulator it always throws an error.
const credentialState = await appleAuth.getCredentialStateForUser(responseObject.user);
if (credentialState === AppleAuthCredentialState.AUTHORIZED) {
//user is authorized
async function onLogoutPress() {
//logout request
const responseObject = await appleAuth.performRequest({
requestedOperation: AppleAuthRequestOperation.LOGOUT,
function App() {
return (
onPress={() => onAppleButtonPress()}
<Button onPress={() => onLogoutPress()}>Log me out</Button>
• isSignUpButtonSupported: boolean
Defined in lib/index.d.ts:368
A boolean value of whether the 'SignUp' Type variant of the Apple Authentication Button is supported.
This will always return false for Android, and false for iOS devices running iOS versions less than 13.2
• isSupported: boolean
Defined in lib/index.d.ts:359
A boolean value of whether Apple Authentication is supported on this device & platform version.
This will always return false for Android, and false for iOS devices running iOS versions less than 13.
▸ getCredentialStateForUser(user
: string): _Promise‹AppleAuthCredentialState›_
Defined in lib/index.d.ts:381
Get the current @{RNAppleAuth.AppleAuthCredentialState} for the provided user identifier.
NOTE: This method must be tested on a real device. On the iOS simulator it always throws an error.
Name | Type | Description |
user |
string | An opaque user ID associated with the AppleID used for the sign in. |
Returns: _Promise‹AppleAuthCredentialState›_
▸ onCredentialRevoked(listener
: Function): Function
Defined in lib/index.d.ts:389
Subscribe to credential revoked events. Call getCredentialStateForUser
on event received
to confirm the current credential state for your user identifier.
Name | Type | Description |
listener |
Function | Returns a function that when called will unsubscribe from future events. |
Returns: Function
▸ performRequest(options
: AppleAuthRequestOptions): _Promise‹AppleAuthRequestResponse›_
Defined in lib/index.d.ts:374
Perform a request to Apple Authentication services with the provided request options.
Name | Type | Description |
options |
AppleAuthRequestOptions | AppleAuthRequestOptions |
Returns: _Promise‹AppleAuthRequestResponse›_