This repo keeps some useful commands (and files) to spin up a K8s cluster real quick (and dirty).
We need a Kubernetes cluster as the platform to test workload such as korthweb. Depending on your requirement, consider the following options for Kubernetes cluster:
Use case | Description | How to create |
Playground | Multi-node cluster on single machine to start instantly for POC. | Pick a tool for local multi-node cluster depending on your OS. The tests in this project is developed with Minikube on MacOS. |
Staging | Multi-node cluster on public cloud platform such as EKS on AWS, AKS on Azure or GKE on GCP. | CLI tools by the cloud vendor can typically handle this level of complexity. Working instructions are provided in this repo. |
Professional | Clusters on private networks in public cloud or private platform for test and production environments. | The cluster infrastructure should be managed as IaC (Infrastructure as Code). DigiHunch has vallina K8 cluster provided in CloudKube project. For customization contact professional service. |
A playground cluster can usually be created on a MacBook or PC, with a tool of choice to create multi-node Kubernetes cluster locally. For more details, check out this post. I recommend Minikube for this.
Minikube is recommended for MacOS and Windows. The instruction below was tested on MacOS.
- Install hypberkit and minikube with HomeBrew
- Create a cluster with three nodes.
minikube start --memory=12288 --cpus=6 --kubernetes-version=v1.20.2 --nodes 3 --container-runtime=containerd --driver=hyperkit --disk-size=150g
minikube addons enable metallb
minikube addons configure metallb
The last command prompt for the load balancer's IP address range. We need to provide a range based on the IP address of the host, which is routable from the host. For example, use the following command to find out the IP address of the third node:
minikube ssh -n minikube-m03 "ping host.minikube.internal -c 1"
If the IP address is, we can specify a range of - for load balancer IPs. Once a Kubernetes Service with LoadBalancer type is created, it should pick up one of the IP address from the range.
To destroy the cluster, run:
minikube stop && minikube delete
Kind can be used on MacOS. Although Kind works on Windows/WSL2, it doesn't have docker0 bridge on Windows/WSL2, so it is not recommended.
- Install kind, and go to cluster directory of this repo.
- Create cluster with cluster.yaml as input
kind create cluster --config=kind-config.yaml
- configure metallb as load balancer. The cluster is completed.
To delete cluster
kind delete cluster --name kind
My test experience on MacBook (uname -m
to tell cpu architecture)
Minikube with Docker driver:
- Works with both x86 and M1 processor
- However Docker bridge has a limitation causing metallb load balancers not accessible from terminal
Minikube with hyperkit driver:
- Works very will with metallb (and ingress) on x86 processor
- Hyperkit does not support M1 processor
Minikube with qemu driver:
- Never tested on Intel processor.
- With M1 processor, installation is complex and not working
Minikube with virtualbox driver:
- M1 processor not supported
- Did not test with Intel processor
Minikube with parallels driver:
- Installation is too heavy, did not try further.
Minikube with vmware fusion driver:
- Not free. Never tried.
- Works well with both x86 and M1 processor
- However Docker bridge has a limitation causing metallb load balancer not accessible from terminal
Depending on the cloud platform, we need one or more of the CLI tools. Please refer to their respective instructions to install and configure them.
- awscli: If we use EKS, we rely on awscli to connect to resources in AWS. The credentials for programatic access is stored under profile. Instruction is here.
- eksctl: If we use EKS, we describe cluster specification in a YAML template, and eksctl will generate a CloudFormation template so awscli can use it to create resources in AWS.
- Azure CLI: If we use AKS, we use az cli to interact with Azure. Alternatively, we can use Azure CloudShell, which has Azure CLI, kubectl, and helm pre-installed.
- gcloud: If we use GKE, we use gcloud as client tool. Note that we can simply use GCP's cloud shell, which has gcloud and kubectl pre-installed and pre-configured.
On AWS, we use eksctl with a template to create EKS cluster, The template cluster.yaml is located in eks directory.
eksctl create cluster -f cluster.yaml --profile default
The cluster provisioning may take as long as 20 minutes. Then we can update kubectl configuration pointing to the cluster, using AWS CLI:
aws eks update-kubeconfig --name orthweb-cluster --profile default --region us-east-1
At the end, we can delete the cluster with eksctt
eksctl delete cluster -f cluster.yaml --profile default
To create a cluster, assuming resource group name is AutomationTest, and cluster name is orthCluster
az aks create \
-g AutomationTest \
-n orthCluster \
--node-count 3 \
--enable-addons monitoring \
--generate-ssh-keys \
--vm-set-type VirtualMachineScaleSets \
--network-plugin azure \
--network-policy calico \
--enable-managed-identity \
--tags Owner=MyOwner
Then we can update local kubectl context with the following command:
az aks get-credentials --resource-group AutomationTest --name orthCluster
If we are done with the test, we delete the cluster:
az aks delete -g AutomationTest -n orthCluster
On GCP, we use the following commands from CloudShell to provision a GKE cluster, then update kubectl configuration pointing to the cluster.
gcloud config set compute/zone us-east1-b
gcloud container clusters create orthcluster --num-nodes=3
Then we can update kubectl context:
gcloud container clusters get-credentials orthcluster
To delete the cluster
gcloud container clusters delete orthcluster
Production cluster requires some effort to design and implmenet. A good start point is the CloudKube project. Alternatively, contact Digi Hunch for professional service.