Releases: dglazier/elSpectro
Releases · dglazier/elSpectro
old cmake
old cmake
fix CMakeLists
REvert to old jpacPhoto and cmake files for compatability with ROOT 6.22, compiled with std-c++11
Note newer versions of ROOT will use std-c++14 and will need the newer version of elSpectro
old cmake
fix CMakeLists
update jpac to 1.3.1
fix bug in Q2 distribution
add photoproduction mechanism
mass checks
Additional checks on decay masses being above thresholds
purge compilation warnings
CLAS12_0.9 remoe Fatal error when below mass, this can happen sometimes, slighlt…
EIC smear Benchmarks
Used for EIC benchmarks June 21
Added amplitude_blend class
Fixed t-distributions and decay angles when using crossing angle
Add DLambda_C example
Update examples to use CollidingParticles for initial states
Add options for quasi-free prosuction on deuteron
see 0.6
Merge pull request #12 from dglazier/detach Detach
Next OSG
New jpacPhoto tag
Implement detached vertices
Add amplitude_blend class to interpolate JPAC low and high