The Bullseye Game is a browser-based game developed using HTML, CSS, and Vanilla JavaScript. This project was from a FreeCodeCamp course, and it features custom sprite images designed for this game.
In this game, simple trigonometry and vector mathematics are used for collision detection to simulate interactions between objects. Additionally, a very basic AI algorithm is implemented to give creatures lifelike movements as they approach the player.
No Authentication: No sign-in or log-in required.
Direct Play: Play the game at:
Local Play: Clone the repository and use Live Server in VS Code or any other IDE to play locally.
No Installation Needed: No installs or dependencies required.
In the Bullseye Game, you control the blue character and are tasked with protecting eggs from random incoming monsters that appear from the RIGHT side of the screen.
Safe Zone: The Safe Forest at the top of the screen is where hatchlings and eggs are safe. Yellow sparks signify a successful save, earning you one point. Red sparks indicate a hatchling has been eaten.
Hatching Time: Eggs hatch after 9 seconds, making the hatchlings vulnerable to monsters.
The game ends once you score 30 Hatchings, but you win ONLY if 6 or less hatchings were eaten.
If you save 30 hatchlings before 7 hatclings are eaten, you win the game.
To restart the game at any time, press r on your keyboard.
Enjoy the game!