Easy (and fast) self-hosted bookmark manager.
You can test easy-bookmark-manager here : demo
To access use admin as login and nimda as password.
You can also download easy-bookmark-manager chrome plugin
And use this url : http://bookmarkdemo.miceli.click/ as target
- webserver (apache2, nginx)
- php 5.5.9+
- Laravel 5.2
- mysql (or laravel supported database)
Step 1:
$ git clone [email protected]/devimust/easy-bookmark-manager.git
$ cd easy-bookmark-manager
$ composer install
$ npm install
$ gulp --production
Step 2: Update database details inside .env
Step 3:
$ php artisan migrate --seed #this will create the default admin user
Step 4: Update .env
file with APP_ENV=production
. Ensure webserver user (apache, www-data or nginx) can read and write to the ./storage
and ./bootstrap/cache
folders recursively.
Step 5: Navigate to http://insert-your-domain.com/ and login with email admin
and password nimda
. Go add some bookmarks or navigate to http://insert-your-domain.com/admin/users to create more users and important update the admin user's password.
Step 6: Optional security measure - to disable the /admin
section set ADMIN_ENABLED=false
inside .env file.
Example apache virtual host file
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName <my-bookmarks.domain.com>
DocumentRoot /var/www/{PROJECT_FOLDER}/public
<Directory "/var/www/{PROJECT_FOLDER}/public">
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride All
Options -Indexes
ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log
CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined
I welcome any feedback and contributions.
# update .env with APP_ENV=local and APP_DEBUG=false
$ composer install
$ npm install
$ gulp
$ vendor/bin/phpunit
$ gulp watch
# run ./docker/prep-dev.sh
# update .env with APP_ENV=local and APP_DEBUG=false
docker-compose build
docker-compose up
docker-compose run --rm composer install
docker-compose run --rm npm install
docker-compose run --rm gulp --production
docker-compose run --rm artisan key:generate
docker-compose run --rm phpunit
docker-compose run --rm artisan migrate:refresh --seed
docker-compose run --rm artisan db:seed --class=DummyBookmarksSeeder
Download latest release candidate and decompress into a folder, then
cp docker-compose.sample.yml docker-compose.yml
cp .env.docker .env
docker-compose build
docker-compose up
docker-compose run --rm artisan key:generate
docker-compose run --rm artisan migrate:refresh --seed
docker-compose run --rm artisan db:seed --class=DummyBookmarksSeeder
goto http://localhost:8000/ and login with admin
Easy Bookmark Manager Extension
- jQuery 1.12
- Angular & Angular Route
- Bootswatch
- Bootstrap 3
- FontAwesome
- NodeJS
- Composer
- Gulp
- Select2
- Sass
- Ace
- Normalize.css
- Reset password via email