This script monitors sailfish compositor and sends SIGSTOP and SIGCONT to the command executed through it.
- Mosh can handle loss of connection, and even freezing the process between activations.
- Remote terminal applications rarely benefit from being active while the screen is not visible.
- Keeping the connection up in low connectivity places eat battery very fast.
- Disconnecting and reconnecting to check for activity is annoying.
I wanted a solution that I can keep the mosh connected to screen running in a shell server all the time, and not worry about battery being emptied in the morning.
Can keep up connection for few days with single charging of the Jolla phone battery.
I consider this a huge boost compared to 100% to 15% in couple of hours forgotten on in basement with neglible cellphone coverage.
- dbus-monitor
- sed
- bash
And the command you intend to run. Mosh in my case.
Run mosh connection to server in fingerterm (use as command in a .desktop file).
fingerterm -e "/path/to/ mosh -- [email protected] screen -rDU"
To run the same mosh command in already opened fingerterm shell, exec to replace the original shell to get the correct parent pid set.
$ exec /path/to/ mosh -- [email protected] screen -rDU